Breve analisis novela "the meaning of consuelo"

Páginas: 5 (1217 palabras) Publicado: 10 de septiembre de 2012
The meaning of Consuelo’ is a novel that opens us the mind to understand the different kind of situation that happens in the Puerto Rican culture. The family secrets even in the best families are always such a taboo for speaking to others. This novel makes the exception and shows us the secret life of the family of Consuelo who is the person who tell us everything in his own words in thenovel. I choose to make the story of Consuelo because she was the character that most impact me in every aspect of the life because the way that she was to forced to live without wanted. Being like a robot doing all she `s parents wanted to do without asking if she want to make some duties that do not correspond to Consuelo to make it. She was the older sister, who was in charge always to take careof Mili`s his young sister who was mental problems since she was a little girl, but when she grew up the mental problems has been worst.
` Consuelo in the story was the girl mature in front of the family who always made the correct thing s to tried to fixed his family tragedy of the father cheating and his li`l sister mental issues. Also was another thing that was, his secret life in the schoolthat changes dramatically when she has sex with his lover who after that never talks again like lover. The reputation of Consuelo was in the floor and they after that called her `la fulana’. After that his life change in some many aspects that later have repercussions that forced her to make things that she never thought before to do it, like escape of the monotony of her life being the guardianof she’s li`l sister and being invisible for her parents in other aspects like when their parents forgot shis `quince` because they were busy in other stuffs.

After all those events that occurs in her family, she at the end of the main point of his family tragedy understood the real meaning of his name carried by her for over fifteen years without noticing the real purpose of his life seen byher parents. But when she decides to leave the island to begin in the land of the American dream a new to life to start again, he realize that in her life not everything was a Consuelo for his family.

Reading the novel was good; the novel had a different trama, making interesting the reading of the novel. I enjoyed at all. But in this final project I had to admit that I learned alot how to make poems, but sincerely didn’t liked at all the whole process to make a whole history of one character in poems. It was very complicated to make the poems using the creativity that I don’t have. Was a new experience to know more about the ways to write a story in a different way. But I led the writers do this instead of me because, is art what they made with the words.

Bio poemConsuelo
Who is serious, mature and smart.
Who is the older sister.
Who loves his sister Mili, his cousin Patricio and his parents besides everything.
Who feels fear about the loneliness.
Who need more attention of his parents.
Who gives always Consuelo to his mother.
Who would like to see the big cities of United States with Patricio.
Resident of San Juan
Last name??


A seriousgirl
Was Consuelo, who always
take care of Mili .

Pandora box
Everything is seem like it was in the Pandora box
At the beginning everything was right
and when the time passed somebody open the box,
And the tragedy in her family was coming up a growing with the time.
The problem seems worst while the time passed…
The mental issues of Mili,
the affairs of her father, the motherpreoccupation to make thing betters,
but doing the stuffs worst.
At the end only the solace stood there but,
she walk away to start a new life in other place.

Consuelo`s Borinken
God creates the world
and our ‘Isla del Encanto”
The conquers were the Spaniards and they see the island like a paradise
The great land makes the Spaniards
used to explode every source in the country
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