
Páginas: 2 (344 palabras) Publicado: 18 de mayo de 2010
Custumer: good night

Agency ;good night, how i can help you?
Custumer: I want to know if you have a destination in Argentina that out of the ordinary

Agency : exactly, I have a very specialand wonderfull destination
Custumer: what would it be?
Agency : puerto madrina Argentina
Custumer: I would have more information about this
Agency: a moment, I have some information leaflets aboutthe place
Custumer: Could you show me the Packaged
Agency:certomly, wait a second, please
Custumer: MMMMMMM
Agency : do You have any quesions?
Custumer:in what placein Argentina apecifically isthis?
Agency : it is located in the Patagonia region of Argentina, particularly in the province of Chubut
Custumer: What activities can I do there?
Agency: you have activities such as Sports,cultural and recreacional
Custumer: you travel to puerto madrina
Agency: yes, is very Wonderful, in puerto madryn there are many activities for entertain
Custumer: MMMMMMM interesting, Could I goscuba diving there?
Agency: yes, puerto madryn is the diving capital in Argentina, this activity is practicad throughout the year in ten submarines Parks and shipwrecks
Custumer: diving courses areAgency: yes, there are various diving schools
Custumer: which one do you recommend me?
Agency: I would recommend you lobo Larsen ( wolf Larsen) or subaquatica neuquén
Custumer: may I USE yourpencil?
Agency: yes,take it
Custumer: thanks, Could you repeat please
Agency : lobo Larsen or subaquatica Neuquén
Client: MMMMMM the brochure shows the southerm franca whale Season “where can I seethe whales?
Agency : you can see them from June to december
Custumer: are there places of Entertainment at night?
Agency : yes, there are casinos and nighclubs
Custumer: Which one do you recommendme?
Agency: I WOULD recommend you the Electronic casino, nightclubs or the boulevard margarita or Cleopatra
Agency: when would you like to take the tour
Custumer: I like to travel the first days...
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