Dimensiones Contextuales

Páginas: 3 (676 palabras) Publicado: 3 de marzo de 2013
Associated Students of Laurel College
Get Involved in Student Activities
Your experience at Laurel College will be richer and more memorable if you get involved in activities that take you beyondthe classroom. You will have the opportunity to meet other students, faculty, and staff members and will participate in organizations that make valuable contributions to your college and to thecommunity.
Consider becoming involved in student government or joining a club. You might take part in activities such as these:
* Volunteering to help with a blood drive
* Traveling to a foreigncountry to learn about other cultures
* Volunteering to assist at graduation
* Helping to organize a community picnic
* Planning and implementing advertising for a student event
*Meeting with members of the state legislature to discuss issues that affect college students—for example, tuition costs and financial aid
Student Government
As a registered student, you are eligible toattend meetings of the Executive Officers of the Associated Students of Laurel College. At the meetings, you will have the opportunity to learn about college issues that affect students. At theconclusion of each meeting, the Officers invite students to voice their opinions. Eventually, you might decide to run for an office yourself. Running for office is a three-step process:
1. Registrattecomo candidato en la oficina de Consejo estudiantil
2. Conseguir cien firmas de estudiantes actualmente insciritos
3. Entregar la solicitud de candidatura e iniciar tu campaña electoralEvery spring, students vote for the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Student Trustee for the following year. Executive Officers work with the college administration to manage campusactivities and to make changes to policies and procedures. For example, the Student Trustee is a voting member of the Laurel College Board of Trustees, which consists of elected members from the...
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