Dukan Débat

Páginas: 2 (292 palabras) Publicado: 25 de abril de 2012
a revolutionary weight-loss plan
* (First phase: (One day until Seven days -> it depends to quantity of kilos that you want to loose.
* Second phases: Proteins +vegetable until obtain the ideal weight
* Third phases: You must to reintegrate progressively food likes bread, pasta, rice. But one day on the week you must to eat onlyproteins
* The last phase : You must to keep a good life-hygiene and you must to eat only proteins all the Thursday. Moreover every morning you must to take three spoons ofoats (avoines). )

1. There are lots of secondary effects. (Have a headache (avoir mal à la tête), to feel dizzy ( avoir des vertiges), constipation, to be exhausted , a lotof women haven’t periods…
You miss water.
Increased probability of high blood pressure (hypertension) diabetes hearts attack
2. ANSES have published a study"Evaluation des risques liés aux pratiques alimentaires d’amaigrissement"  which shows that Dukan diet is bad because weight of women isn’t the same three months after the diet.
3.Dukan Diet is only for people who are overweight. If you want to loos less to 8 kilos this regime is not adapted at your trail.
4. The rate of protein is really superior tothe body mass index
5. You miss glucose and fibres that cause constipation.
6. If people who make this diet don’t respect instructions they can loose their hair…
7.Have a poor eyesight (avoir une mauvaise vue)
* It’s also stupid that eat only carrot during one month
8. It’s very expensive ! -> For this price a coatch it’s moreadvantageous
9. A little joke for the end : Dukan prefer woman who are a little overweighting. He has published a book: “ Men prefer woman who are a little overweighting”.
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