Educacion en mexico

Páginas: 15 (3508 palabras) Publicado: 8 de diciembre de 2009

Is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual. In its technical sense education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one generation to another.

Levels of Education
The educational system of Mexico can be divided intofour levels:
I.    Preschool (preescolar):  ages 3 – 6
II.   Primary education (educación primaria): grades 1 - 6
III.  Secondary education (educación média): grades 7-11,12,13
IV. Higher education (educación superior)


Until the early nineties, primary schools, lower secondary schools, and teacher education were under the direct controlof the federal government, specifically through the offices of the Secretaría de Educación Pública/SEP (Secretariat of Public Education) or state ministries of education. All primary and lower secondary schools had to be registered with the SEP, which supervised and regulated them by setting the academic calendar, curricula, grading scales, graduation requirements and by distributing freetextbooks. In 1992, modifications were made to the Constitution and Federal Law of Education that transferred most or the administrative duties for these schools to the respective state ministries of education. Since 1993, the SEP has gradually been devolving educational authority to the 31 state ministries of education, and now plays a role that is more supervisory than regulatory in nature. However,the SEP continues to directly administer basic education (primary and lower secondary education) and teacher education in the Federal District of Mexico City. In addition, the SEP continues to distribute free textbooks to primary and lower secondary schools throughout the nation, and the states are obliged to teach the curriculum set out by the SEP.
Upper secondary and higher education does not, inmost cases, come under the direct control of the SEP. Public autonomous universities, where the majority (52%) of tertiary students are enrolled, supervise their own programs, budgets, and teaching personnel, and often supervise the studies of private institutions of higher education. Public technological institutions and teacher training institutes fall under the supervision of the SEP, otherfederal agencies, or state ministries of education. In 2003, private institutions of higher education accounted for approximately 40 percent of all tertiary enrollments. Private institutions are supervised by either a federal or state governmental agency or a public autonomous university, and in a few cases receive permission from the federal government to operate as a "libre" (independent)institution.

Governance en la educación
La transformación de los modelos de gobierno y organización de las IES lleva implícito una revisión profunda de las normas jurídicas para sustentar las modificaciones estructurales, comportamentales y de procesos tecnológicos. Es por ahora un desafío imperativo hacer una revisión profunda a las normas del sistema educativo nacional en lo general y en particular atodo el marco regulatorio de las IES. Los poderes locales, municipales y estatales, juegan un papel importante en los procesos de cambio estructural mediante la implementación de las políticas educativas promovidas para favorecer la transformación de las IES.
Las Instituciones de Educación Superior deben ampliar los cauces democráticos y definición clara de facultades y funciones limitadas. Esnecesario diseñar instituciones de educación superior que integren el sistema educativo nacional y que atiendan de manera diversificada, flexible y en forma pertinentemente a grupos sociales que han sido tradicionalmente excluidos de la posibilidad de obtener una educación de alto nivel y de buena calidad. Las IES de los próximos años continuarán jugando un papel social importante que dará espacio...
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  • educacion en mexico
  • La Educación en Mexico
  • Educacion en Mexico
  • Educacion En Mexico

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