ejemplo de texto de ingles

Páginas: 2 (457 palabras) Publicado: 9 de noviembre de 2014

The President of the United States is working to prevent this country from falling into the so-called "Fiscal Precipice".
Today lawmakers urged Americans to workand reach an agreement that avoids the problem where it would fall if an agreement is not reached.
The people that come to fall in the "Fiscal Cliff" exposes a widespread tax increases and publicspending cuts to be implemented immediately from January 1, 2013, if the parties fail to reach an agreement.
Obama has met with the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the head of theDemocratic majority in the Senate, to discuss the agreement between both parties.
According to reports obtained, specialists in sociology researchers, that people are on groups or also known astribes, some with very distinct characteristics and ensuring their existence, and other tribes that last as little becoming extinct because their presence may be due to the inspiration of a musicalgroup, singer, etc. An example of this is the group Kudai inspired youngsters to join a sector called "emotional-emos" where her dress was black ership, eye contour outline is in black like the paintednails and lips the same color and relate his mood as depressed mood – moribundo.

Arely Amairani Duran Quintal 5ºB PUE.
El Presidente de los Estados Unidos está trabajando paraevitar que este país caiga en el llamado "Precipicio Fiscal".
El día de hoy exhortó a los legisladores estadounidenses a trabajar y llegar a un acuerdo que evite el problema en el que se caería en caso deque no se logre un acuerdo.
El que la población llegue a caer en el "Precipicio Fiscal" los expone a un alza generalizada de impuestos y a un recorte del gasto público que se ejecutaría deinmediato a partir del 1 de enero del 2013, si los partidos no llegaran a algún acuerdo.
Obama se ha reunido con el presidente de la Cámara de Representantes y con el jefe de la mayoría demócrata en el...
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