Ensayo De Ingles: Educación

Páginas: 6 (1295 palabras) Publicado: 5 de abril de 2012

“Education: A way to grow up in life”

Consuelo González

December, 2011

Education: A Way to grow up in live

Recently, people start to say their opinion, we are mobilize because the opportunities in this life are difficult to get. In some countries, the social difference is too big, including Chile in Latinoamerica. We can see this everyday in the news, indignant principally in USA and the students movement in Latinoamerica, principally Colombia and our country, Chile. But the social problems have a beginning, and it is education (one of the actually movements). But, why is this topic important for grow in life and why is so difficult to get in Chile?

First education is like a pyramid, we need a good base for not fallthe top of this one. The results of the SIMCE on 2009 said that 62% of students of 8 grade are TWO years late in mathematics, and every year the breach is bigger (Newspaper: “El Mostrador”, June 7th, 2010). That means that problems of education start in primary school, and the children do not have a good base. In consequence, this affects the next level: Secondary school.

In 2006 was the“Penguin Revolution”, created by students of secondary school. They asked for change the LOCE (Ley Organica Constitucional de Educación), implemented in the military government. The ex President Michelle Bachelet implemented the LGE (Ley General de Educación), the principal points are: equity, autonomy, diversity, responsibility, participation, flexibility, transparency, integration, sustainability,inter-cultural. There was an advance for the primaries and secondary students, however higher students were not benefit with LGE, because this one is not for higher education. That is to say that they follow with the old law. About quality, the results of SIMCE in 2nd grade of secondary school in 2010 show the level of the students. The national average is about 259 in language and 256 inmathematics. The average of subsidize schools is about 262 in language and 261 in mathematics (http://www.sip.cl/docs/pdf/Informe_SIMCE_2010.pdf ). These are not good results because the maximum points are more than 320. According to the results of SIMCE the best results corresponding to private schools and the worst results corresponding to public schools. What do this means? The best education is inprivate schools, for this school we have to pay. The cheapest private schools have a price around $100.000 Chilean pesos. The minimum salary is the $182.000 Chilean pesos, so, the first three “Quintiles” can not pay for one kid in this type of school, probably this children study in a public or subsidize school, they have the possibility to study for a lower price, however, according to the previousresults, they can not have the same quality of education. We can see this in the results of PSU (Prueba de Seleccion Universitaria), because the difference between public and private school enormous. In consequence private schools students enter in public universities and public schools students enter in private universities.

Today, higher students are mobilize because every level of educationis like a colander, and the university is the biggest one. Why? Because university is more expensive than a private school. One year studding in the university have a cost around 1 million Chilean pesos (minimum), only the last three “Quintiles” (according to the Casen inquiry on 2009, is between $819.098 and more than $2 millions Chilean pesos) can pay for one student. What happened with therest of people? Simple, there are many state grants but only benefit the first four “Quintiles” (between $64.361 and $341.200 Chilean pesos) . The “Quintiles” five, six and seven (between $407.924 and $625.524 Chilean pesos) do not have the opportunity to have grants (unless that they get a excellent score and the university give them one) and they can not pay the university. However, most of...
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