
Páginas: 11 (2563 palabras) Publicado: 9 de mayo de 2011
1. Me parece que ser auténtico es ante todas las cosas ser “fiel” en todo, primero con Dios, luego con uno mismo para no traicionar nuestras propias convicciones, ser auténtico es poder cumplir nuestras aspiraciones verdaderas lo cuál se logra despojándonos de todo complejo y creencias inculcados por el medio ambiente que nos toco vivir.
Cuándo me decidí a decir “si o no” desde adentro: antes nolo hacía para no traicionar a lo que yo creía los demás esperaban de mi o no salirme de determinados modelos, particularmente he experimentado una sensación única de plenitud paz y ganas de hacer. Un día me levanté y me dije me hago cargo de mi: tal cuál soy me acepto como soy físicamente e internamente, me miré en el espejo y empecé a quererme si levanté mi autoestima, en cuanto a lo que deseabame despojé del que dirán y créanme fue “mágico” de pronto mi visión de la vida adquirió brillo me sentí una persona más segura en mis acciones hasta más linda aceptándome tal cuál fui creada así es, aprendí a sacar provecho de lo que tengo, supe comprender que soy una creación de Dios y que tengo una misión porque todos tenemos alguna belleza algún talento alguna virtud y hay quedescubrirlos…..es por eso que pienso que ser auténticos es la clave que nos generará hermosas consecuencias.
Beginning the Journey: The Project Approach with Toddlers
2 to 5 years old

Some features of project work are of value for toddlers, while others are best left until children are older. This article shares the process through which teachers and administrators at a private school; gainedawareness of the importance of listening, observing, and documenting children’s activities to determine how to adapt features of the Project Approach to meet the needs and interests of toddlers. This adaptation of project work, called project practice, engaged toddlers in developmentally appropriate activities that involved exploration, representation, and the search for understanding.
InitiatingToddlers in the Project Approach
Our first step was to work at becoming more proficient listeners and better observers of young children to improve our understanding of how these young learners explore their environment and build their knowledge about things that are close to them. We spent long periods of time watching how they interacted with different provocations, how they explored materials,and how they made sense of the world. We became more aware of nonverbal cues, and we attained a better understanding of their interests than we had previously. After several periods of discussing our observations with teachers, we decided to experiment with and analyze specific features of each phase of the Project Approach as a separate entity before taking on a full project. This process, which wecall project practice, introduces toddlers to specific elements of project work to help prepare them for participating in formal projects when they are older.
Preliminary Planning
To select topics for projects, teachers and principals engage in discussion sessions; we choose topics that are very close to the children’s lives but that are particularly meaningful for them in daily experiences. Wethink of projects that involve sensory exploration, taking advantage of their interest in the colors of things around them, their fascination with water, or their perceptions of their bodies. Once the general topic has been chosen, teachers have freedom to follow different lines of research depending on their children’s interests. For example, from the broad topic of plants, one teacher mightchoose to study trees, while another teacher might decide to study flowering plants.
Phase 1
A project usually begins with the teachers making a point of learning about the children’s prior knowledge and experiences before arranging opportunities to take the children’s understanding further. But because the vocabularies and the experience of toddlers with the world around them are so limited,...
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