
Páginas: 3 (524 palabras) Publicado: 5 de octubre de 2010
6.2 Chemical composition of the atmosphere
The gases on the Earth are diverse and they vary its concentration depending of the called “air” and is height in where are located. They are essential forthe live. The mix of gases is formed by a concentration of 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen. We can distinguish two layers in particular, the homosphere and heterosphere. The principal components of thehomosphere are: oxygen, nitrogen, argon, CO2, water vapor, neon, helium, krypton, hydrogen, and ozone. While the heterosphere is form of: molecular nitrogen, atomic oxygen, helium, and hydrogen,elements that form layers, which allow us to distinguish different layers within the heterosphere. The gravitational force maintains all the gases around the planet. The chemical composition of the air atthe level of the sea is: 78.08% Nitrogen, 20.95% Oxygen, 0.93% Argon, 0.03% CO2, 0.018% Neon, 0.005% Helium, 0.001% Krypton, 0.00006% Hydrogen, 0.00004% Ozone and Xenon 0.000008%.
6.4 Atmosphericpressure
The atmospheric pressure is the weight of a column of air at a given point of the planet's surface. This weight makes a pressure on the surface. If the weight of the column decreases, thepressure also does it. To measure it is necessary a barometer.
6.10 Snow, frost and dew
-The snow is the result of the mix of ice crystals around dust or atmosphere’s particles when the water vaporcondence. Some molten glass form snowflakes

Al igual que la lluvia, la nieve también puede formarse a partir de los cristales de hielo de una nube. Cuando los cristales comienzan a caer a través de lanube, chocan con gotas de nube y con otros cristales de distintos tamaños, uniéndose y formando pequeños núcleos congelados.

Los cristales elementales de nieve pueden aparecer en cualquiera de losdistintos tipos hexagonales posibles, según las temperaturas precisas de la formación. Entre estas formas con seis caras, que suelen ser simétricas, están los tipos cristalinos en aguja, en columna,...
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