
Páginas: 2 (314 palabras) Publicado: 28 de noviembre de 2012
Martha Esther Carrillo F.

January 3, 2009
Street Children
Street children are always living with problems every day such as homeless, violence and the use of drugs. Many of thosechildren are living in the streets because they need to work, so they have enough money to support their families. Another reason street children are suffering is because they are abandonedby their families or because their homes can not provide them the basic necessities.
Homeless is the most common problem that street children have to face up. Homeless is link to otherproblems such as the inadequate medical care, and the inappropriate living conditions. That’s why this people are more vulnerable to illnesses such as respiratory, and ear infections,nutritional disorders, and sexual diseases including VIH/AIDS. Most of the times street children have to leave their homes because they are through out by their parents.
Other problemstreet children have to face up in the violence, which is linked with discrimination. Most of the street children are tortured, beaten and some times killed because for the police they areconsidered criminals and vagrants. That’s why most of them use to sleep in the day, so they can be alert of the police.
Street children use to do drugs, because most of the times they donot like their lives. Amod K. Kanth said that some studies have found that the 90 percent of this children use drugs such as medicines, alcohol, cigarettes, heroin, and glue. In somecountries the main cause of the high number of deaths is the use of drugs in street children.
Finally we can say that street children suffer many kinds of problems. But we can sole some ofthese problems providing refuge, medical care, food, comfort and education. Street children can also by helped by institution such as
The Watts Street Children’s Centre and the UNICEF.
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