
Páginas: 3 (675 palabras) Publicado: 18 de septiembre de 2015
I chose The Story of My Life song because it’s about the different stories that each person has about his life obviously different, because each person is a different world, the song begins when thesentence there are stories that can not be explained written on walls. I understood metaphors that wall It refers to the years we have lived around our life, the stages where we left unforgetablememories, likewise said that its walls are written the colors that can not be changed, speaking of colors relate to the feelings they have , which can not disappear .In the video the guys show hangingphotos and revealing photographs of them with their families, in short in every picture they tell their life in some way, with this they show that each person has and has gone through differentexperiences, beautiful and unforgetable around our life, because to them and for me y family is like music, some high notes other low, but it is always a beautiful song..No family is perfect all argueand fight, but in the end the family is the family and love will always be there.
La palabra Asfixia proviene de l os vocablos griegos a (negación, privativa) y sfyesis (pulso), significando así “sinpulso” o “no pulso”.La asfixia se produce cuando deja de fluir oxígeno a los pulmones o bronquios, por una obstrucción en la garganta o tráquea, habitualmente por fallos en la deglución de sólidos(atragantamiento).En la asfixia, el aire no puede entrar en los pulmones y el oxígeno no llega a la sangre circulante. Es la pérdida de conciencia o muerte originada por la interrupción de la respiración,debido a la falta de oxigeno en el organismo o a un exceso de bióxido de carbono en los tejidos.Las vías respiratorias de una persona que presenta asfixia pueden estar completa o parcialmentebloqueadas, de manera que no llega suficiente oxígeno a los pulmones. Un bloqueo total es una emergencia médica, mientras que una obstrucción parcial se puede convertir rápidamente en una situación...
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