
Páginas: 2 (385 palabras) Publicado: 30 de marzo de 2010
Director’s notes: Feel the interview out, prepare for the unexpected. Wide/ medium shots when in doubt.
Server notes: MikeC_3cam001 etc….
Crew notes: Listen to the director

1.) I’d like to startoff in the pass if you’d let me. So it's the nineties you’re on the verge of graduating James Madison University. At the time did you have any idea the company you were going to create? Why take therisk?
Me: Medium Close Up
Mike: Medium Close Up

2.) Are most of the films out of Guillotine pictures your own creation or are they contracted out? Whats the protocol?
Me: Medium Close Up
Mike:Medium Close Up

3.)If it is one of your own films, what happens if a job comes up during the middle of production that requires a lot more attention?
Me: Medium Close Up
Mike: Medium CloseUp/Close up

4.)Do you get troubled having to switch gears from being the boss and giving the orders? Then being told what to do while you’re in the edit room?
Me: Medium Close Up
Mike: Medium Close Up/Close up

5.)From your pre-interview you said “movies had a powerful impact on me, emotionally and intellectually, and you liked how they are a blend of lots of different art forms (photo, music,etc)” Would you care to go into more detail about that?
Me: Medium Close Up/Wide
Mike: Medium Close Up/Wide

6.)What type of films do YOU strive to make?
Me: Medium Close Up/Wide
Mike: MediumClose Up/Wide

7.)Correct me if I’m wrong but Guillotine has been hosting the closing party for 3 years? How did Guillotine come to be the spot for the closing party for the Atlanta Film festival?
Me:Medium Close Up/wide
Mike: Medium Close Up/wide

8.)What else do you get out of being so involved in the Atlanta Film Festival?
Me: Medium Close Up/wide
Mike: Medium Close Up/wide

9.)Whatother roles do you play in the Atlanta Film Festival?
Me: Medium Close Up/wide
Mike: Medium Close Up/wide

10.)In closing, is there any advice you can give to young entrepreneurs who want to pursue...
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