
Páginas: 2 (394 palabras) Publicado: 20 de noviembre de 2012
1-avoidance of large fiscal déficits.
-privatization of state enterprises;
-Competitive exchange rates;

2-fiscal policies:
-increase taxation so people will have less money to consume and theeconomy will cool.
-reduce pubic ivestment in order to freeze the economy.
-increase interest rates so people will have less money to consume.
-the central bank can sell Bonds to theBanks withdrwaing money form the economic system. To be leess money less economic activity.

3-that the activity of the private sector was not sufficient in order to solve an economic recession andthat the government should intervean in that rccesion by appplying monetray and fiscal policies.

4-all products were standarized so all were the same, so time is saves.
-workers sallaries wereimproved, so they are able to buy the cars they produce.
-division of labour, so each worker would specialize in one task.

5-free market : social economic system where the government does not interveanin the economy, the means of production are owned by private sectors and prices are set through suplí ad demand.
-Social market:the government only interveans in the economy by living social decurityto workers.
-state:the means of production are owned by th estate and prices are also set by them.
.mixed economy:combines private and public ownership of the means of production. But the amount ofproduction owned by each of them will dependo on the country.

6-in every individual transaction of money even if we dont pretend to do it we help the economy.

-services will be betteras know it will be investment in order to create profit.
-government can decrease their expendature.
-Services will stop being provided if not profitable.
-if not well privatizad monopoliescan be created. For example:telefonica, telecom.


9-capitalism was the responsable of class struggle, but also capitalism was good in terms that it leaded to progresses in industry and other...
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