
Páginas: 3 (542 palabras) Publicado: 20 de febrero de 2013
Aylin Danae Beltran Lopez Mr. David Lung
302 business English
8/25/12 list of words

Smart: is an adjective describing a person or animal with high intelligence
Efforts: ispossess, exert, or display the ability to do physical work
Faith: belief in the truths of religion, believe in a person or entity
Responsible: person worthy of trust
Organize: the act ofrearranging elements following one or more rules
Clean: free from dirt
Courage: the human condition to confront pain and fear
Perception: the process of attaining awareness or understanding
Realistic: isthe belief that really exist independently of servers
Support: is a way of giving attention to a person or cause, or go to a side in a conflict
Ethic: a major branch of philosophy encompasses rightconduct and good living
Teamwork: those behaviors that facilitate effective team member interaction
Honest: refers to a facet of moral character and denotes positive virtues such as integrity,truthfulness
Punctual: arriving or taking place at the arrange time
Leader: is a process of social fluency in which one person can enlist the aid and support others in the accomplish of a task
Brave:courage, the ability to confront fear pain danger, uncertainty, or intimidation
Competitive: the ability and performance of affirm
Ambitious: is the desire of a personal achievement
Comfort: is asense of a physical or psychological ease often characterized as a lack of hardship
Loyal: is faithfulness or a denotation to a person, country, group or cause
Dream: the experience of envisionedimages, sounds or other sensations
Trust: reliance on another person or entity
Prudent: is the ability of govern ad discipline oneself bye the use of reason
Intelligent: is a term describing one or morecapacities of the mind
Educated: having the benefit of experience or knowledge
Dedicated: to devote wholly and earnestly, as to some person or purpose
Enthusiastic: filled with motivation...
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