Japan tent

Páginas: 2 (391 palabras) Publicado: 20 de octubre de 2010
Why would you like to participate in Japan Tent?

Japan Tent is a unique opportunity to know about the culture of the people from Ishikawa ken and realize the differences with the Tokyo life style,because Japan has several faces, each of them with particular richness, that it is necessary to experience to understand in a wide way what Japan is. I want to learn from the values of a traditionalJapanese family and share with it the daily activities, as a member more of the family. It is a valuable chance to tech to my host family the Colombian culture: music, dance, traditions and customs.Additionally, Japan Tent is an opportunity of making new friends both Japanese and other international students, and learning from different cultures around the world. Japan Tent also offers me veryinteresting activities to have fun and visit landmarks that contain history and culture.
また、Japan Tentは、あたらしい日本人やがいこくじんのともだちをつくるよいチャンスです。せかいのいろいろなくにのぶんかもしりたいです。また、Japan Tentはれきしやぶんかのかんこうちにいく、おもしろいアクティビティーもあります。
In what ways do you hope to benefit from your study abroad experience in Japan?

My living experience in Japan has changed my life. I have become a more opened mindand receptive person, and I have developed several skills as creativity. As a student of International Relations, I have had the opportunity of learning a lot from different cultures and points of viewand it has been very fruitful not only for academic proposes, but also for personal enrichment. When I go back to my country, I want to work in the Colombian government in a policy making position. Ithink that my country needs to learn Japanese culture and values to transform our society into a more pacific and constructivist country, where life will be more valued and people understands...
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