Johan sebastian bach esay

Páginas: 4 (871 palabras) Publicado: 20 de noviembre de 2011
Johan Sebastian Bach was born on March 31, 1685 in Eisenach, turinga. He was an organist, harpischordist, violist, cellist and a famous German composser of the barroque period; he was member of oneof the most extraordinary musical families in history.
Johann Sebastian Bach´s greatest impact to music was his own style to compose music. The importance of Bach's music is due to his intellect. Heis best recognized as a master of counterpoint. He was able to understand and use every resource of musical language that was available in the Baroque era.
He is probably one of the best composers ofhis time, as well as our time. In his childhood he had a fantastic soprano singing voice and always took the lead roles in the school choirs. He was the youngest child in his family, his father taughthim how to play the organ and violin at the age of 9 years old, one year after his mother died. This motivated him that he began to compose his first plays to express himself. Eight months later hisfather had died too.
He was alone and found support in his oldest brother, who was a famous organist in a local church and was a teacher in a famous music school. Johan copied and studied musictaught by his brother, who some time later discovered him copying music from his brother´s scores.
He started his career as a musician at the age of 14 years, when he received a scholarship to study atthe prestigious St. Michaels school.
At the age of 16 years he worked as an organist in churches, this work helped him to train and improve his skill. He found employment at the age of 18 as aviolinist in a court orchestra in Weimar, this job gave him a good reputation and some time later he was hired as an organist in a church, this job gave him a good reputation and some time later he washired as an organist in a church. During his tenure in the church he started to write the little organ book from his eldest son, where he explaine how to play and made arragments in organ. He also...
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