La Vida

Páginas: 2 (464 palabras) Publicado: 24 de mayo de 2012

YOU ASK: 1) In that year and month I found the European Union? 2) ¿For which three cominidades European the European Union wasfounded ? 3) ¿ For how many you star there is formed the flag of the European Union and who was his designe ? 4) ¿What is the European Commission.5) ¿Which three not political institutions does EuropeanUnion possess? 6) ¿Of what there consists the territory of the European Union ? 7) ¿ For how many countries this one formed the European Union and for all those founded this one ?-------------------------------------------------

YOU ASK: 1) In that year and month I found the European Union? 2) ¿For which three cominidades European the European Union was founded ? 3) ¿ For howmany you star there is formed the flag of the European Union and who was his designe ? 4) ¿What is the European Commission.5) ¿Which three not political institutions does European Union possess? 6)¿Of what there consists the territory of the European Union ? 7) ¿ For how many countries this one formed the European Union and for all those founded this one ?

LA UNIÓN EUROPEA1) ¿In that year and month I found the European union?
- The European Union was founded the year 1993, of November 1

2) For which three cominidades European the European Union was founded?
_ ForThe MINT, Euratorm and CEE/CE.


3) for how many you star there is formed the flag of the European Union and who was hisdesigner?
- The flag of the European this Union formed by 12 stars Gilded and his designer Was designed by Arsène Heitz, a painter of Strasbourg.

4) What is the European Commission.

_La EuropeanCommission (Commission of the European Communities up to the entry into force of the Agreement of Nice) is the executive branch of the European Union. This body takes charge of the ordinary...
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