Learning plan

Páginas: 2 (254 palabras) Publicado: 27 de noviembre de 2010
Peter A. López
Learning Plan

I. Language Area: Identify the Language Area based on your evaluation of the Test Results. The three areas are Listening/Speaking, Reading, and Writing.My language area based on the results is: the writing area

II. Establish your learning goal. On the Blackboard Site you will find Power Point presentations that explain the goal settingprocess and provide sample goals.
My learning goal for the end of the semester is: Write Simple Sentences in English without the use of a Spanish-English dictionary or web translator. Professorwill grade the sentences.
One sample goal of that is: Write a three paragraph essay with 80% grammatical accuracy.

III. Operationalize your learning goal. Based on the explanationprovided in class and in blackboard. Establish and write down the learning steps you need to take to help reach the goal. These steps are skills and content you need to focus on in order to help youreach your learning goal. Use this diagram to operationalize your learning plan.
IV. Write a three paragraph essay with 80% grammatical accuracy.

Learning Plan
Name: Section:Learning Goal: (Write your goal)

Learning Activities:

|Learning Stage 1: Learn the |Activities (Web sites and Software) |Time ||grammatical rules | | |
| |Conversation groups|50 minutes |
| |Grammar Exercises in Flash |20 minutes |
||English-4-U |20 minutes |
| |Guide to Grammar and Writing...
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