
Páginas: 45 (11159 palabras) Publicado: 24 de septiembre de 2011
Setting up for Clinical Success
With the Biograph-Infiniti
2nd Edition

Michael Thompson & Lynda Thompson
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Aim of this guide: The goal is to give practitioners a very rudimentary start so that they can immediately begin using the Infiniti program with a range of clients. From this base they can expand on their own from the basic screens and scripts and begin using the wide range of possibilities for training clients thatthe new Infiniti program affords. We do not discuss all the items in each dropdown menu, nor do we even discuss all the options available. These can be found in the very detailed Thought Technology on-screen manual that is found under Help in the menu bar at the top of the screen. There are separate manuals for the Infiniti Program, Screen Editor, Channel Editor and Script Editor. With respect toscreens provided in this guide, they should be sufficient to deal with the most frequently seen clinical cases.

History of this Guide
The authors have backgrounds in education, psychology, anthropology, learning centres, medicine, family therapy, biochemistry, physiology, neuroanatomy and the EEG. At the ADD Centre / Biofeedback Institute we have, over the past dozen years, used instrumentsfrom ten different equipment manufacturers and have 7 to 10 instruments in use at any
Copyright ADD Centres Ltd. Prepublication – 1st draft. Please do not copy. Dr. Thompson 905-803-8066 Canada


time. We like to emphasize that the equipment from all of the different manufacturers have positives that are helpful. The depth of programs and instrumentation from Thought Technology, and the needfor an easy starting point for users of their latest equipment, is the motivation for writing this ‘Guide’. Thought Technology did not ask us to write this, nor did they, or could they, pay for the time put into it. It started, like The Neurofeedback Book, as a manual for our staff. Thought Technology generously offered staff time to work on the screens we suggested and “get out the bugs”. TheBiofeedback Foundation of Europe then kindly offered to pay the costs of reproducing disks and do the work of making it available. The internet availability may turn out to partially cover some of our expenses but proceeds from sales primarily support the educational activities of the BFE. We want to thank both these organizations for their generosity with their time and their patience. A specialthanks to Hal, Larry, Frank, Theresa and Didier at Thought Technology who have put up with unending frantic calls for help without ever a murmur of complaint. They have responded rapidly to our suggestions for changes in the program to make it easier for trainers to use. Our reward lies in the hope that this guide and the accompanying screens that we have field tested with a few hundred clients,ranging in age from 4 to 65, may be of some help to you. If it is, then it is worth all the time and effort. Thank you for trying out some of these ideas. All feedback is most welcome and is encouraged.

Executive Summary
The screens that accompany this guide are in groups labelled A, B, C and so on. Each letter designates a commonly used group of screens to meet the needs of different types of...
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