Operadores En Latex

Páginas: 15 (3701 palabras) Publicado: 7 de febrero de 2013
Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command |
| \pm | | \mp | | \times |
| \div | | \cdot | | \ast |
| \star | | \dagger | | \ddagger |
| \amalg | | \cap | | \cup |
| \uplus | | \sqcap | | \sqcup |
| \vee | | \wedge | | \oplus |
| \ominus | | \otimes | | \circ |
| \bullet | | \diamond| | \lhd |
| \rhd | | \unlhd | | \unrhd |
| \oslash | | \odot | | \bigcirc |
| \triangleleft | | \Diamond | | \bigtriangleup |
| \bigtriangledown | | \Box | | \triangleright |
| \setminus | | \wr | | |
Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command |
| \le | | \ge | | \neq |
| \sim| | \ll | | \gg |
| \doteq | | \simeq | | \subset |
| \supset | | \approx | | \asymp |
| \subseteq | | \supseteq | | \cong |
| \smile | | \sqsubset | | \sqsupset |
| \equiv | | \frown | | \sqsubseteq |
| \sqsupseteq | | \propto | | \bowtie |
| \in | | \ni | | \prec |
| \succ | | \vdash | | \dashv |
| \preceq | | \succeq | | \models |
| \perp | |\parallel | | \| |
| \mid | | | | |
Negations of many of these relations can be formed by just putting \not before the symbol, or by slipping an n between the \ and the word. Here are a few examples, plus a few other negations; it works for many of the others as well.
Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command |
| \nmid | | \nleq | | \ngeq |
| \nsim | | \ncong | |\nparallel |
| \not< | | \not> | | \not= |
| \not\le | | \not\ge | | \not\sim |
| \not\approx | | \not\cong | | \not\equiv |
| \not\parallel | | \nless | | \ngtr |
| \lneq | | \gneq | | \lnsim |
| \lneqq | | \gneqq | | |
To use other relations not listed here, such as =, >, and <, in LaTeX, you may just use the symbols on your keyboard.-------------------------------------------------
Greek Letters
Lowercase Letters |
Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command |
| \alpha | | \beta | | \gamma | | \delta |
| \epsilon | | \varepsilon | | \zeta | | \eta |
| \theta | | \vartheta | | \iota | | \kappa |
| \lambda | | \mu | | \nu | | \xi |
| \pi | | \varpi | | \rho | | \varrho |
|\sigma | | \varsigma | | \tau | | \upsilon |
| \phi | | \varphi | | \chi | | \psi |
| \omega | | | | | | |

Capital Letters |
Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command |
| \Gamma | | \Delta | | \Theta | | \Lambda |
| \Xi | | \Pi | | \Sigma | | \Upsilon |
| \Phi | | \Psi | | \Omega | | |-------------------------------------------------
Headline text
Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command |
| \gets | | \to |
| \leftarrow | | \Leftarrow |
| \rightarrow | | \Rightarrow |
| \leftrightarrow | | \Leftrightarrow |
| \mapsto | | \hookleftarrow |
| \leftharpoonup | | \leftharpoondown |
| \rightleftharpoons | | \longleftarrow |
|\Longleftarrow | | \longrightarrow |
| \Longrightarrow | | \longleftrightarrow |
| \Longleftrightarrow | | \longmapsto |
| \hookrightarrow | | \rightharpoonup |
| \rightharpoondown | | \leadsto |
| \uparrow | | \Uparrow |
| \downarrow | | \Downarrow |
| \updownarrow | | \Updownarrow |
| \nearrow | | \searrow |
| \swarrow | | \nwarrow |-------------------------------------------------
Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command |
| \ldots 2 | | \vdots | | \cdots 2 | | \ddots |
(The '2's after \ldots and \cdots are only present to make the distinction between the two clear.)
Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command | Symbol | Command |
| \hat{x} | |...
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