
Páginas: 2 (285 palabras) Publicado: 24 de septiembre de 2012
5.3-Palestine Bid as a full Member at the UN

-Ottoman Empire and the law of land ownership.( jesika Ortiz has received the map route for her exposition ) of the Arab Israeli Wars : an overview of the conflict.

-1948-Arab -Israeli War and the consolidation of the State of Israel as an independent country.
Causes andconsecuences.

Why the arbas did not agreed with the UN resolution 181-II?
The general carachteristics of the war.
Consecuences: independence of Israel.
-1967 Arab IsraeliWar (Six day War) expansion of Israel frontiers.
Arab coalition, objectives of the arab coalition
Israel objectives.
Outcome of the war.

-1973-Arab Israeli War (YomKippur war) Arab regain of frontiers.
Causes and
why is it called Yom Kippur war
siria plan to regain golan heights
Egypt plan to regain the suez canal"Intifada": in arabic the word intifada means uprising,

-Origins 1987-1988.
-Causes: israeli occupation violation of human rights, necesity that the palestinian territories o berecognized as a palestinian homeland
-Consequences: Palestine obtains partial recognition as a country at the UN. Oslo Agreements.
The oslo agreements have atime span of a decade 1993-til the early 2000
it is necessary to divide it in two moments.
a-First the agreement “per se” as a basis for the development of peace;
1-recognition of the israeli and palestinisn aothorities
2-the Arafat islands
3-objectives of the first agreements: the peace map route or peace agenda.

b- the Subsecuent Osloagreements;1994 and beyond

map for peace: israeli occupation and desocupation of palestinian territories
israeli withdrawal of the occupied territories.
Palestinian autonomy
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