Possible negative effects of consuming coca cola

Páginas: 8 (1910 palabras) Publicado: 21 de noviembre de 2010
Possible negative effects of consuming Coca Cola

Thesis Statement:
Coca Cola is a carbonated soft drink that can be harmful if consumed excessively. Its consumption may cause physical independence, health problems and neurological disorders.


I. Introduction

II. Possible negative effects of consuming Coca Cola
A. Principal ingredients and their effects in humanorganism
1. Carbonated water
2. Phosphoric acid
3. Caffeine
4. Sugar (high fructose corn syrup)
5. Other ingredients

B. Process of Coca Cola in the organism

C. Negative effects
1. Physical
2. Psychological

D. Other usesof the Coca Cola
1. Pesticides
2. Detergent
3. Other uses
III. Conclusion

IV. Bibliography

V. Nexus

Coca Cola is a carbonated soft drink sold in stores, restaurants, and vending machines internationally. The consumption of coca cola can be harmful if consumed excessively, particularly to young children whose soft drinkconsumption competes with, but even in adults the effects are dangerous. Its consumption may cause physical independence, health problems and neurological disorders. Studies have shown that regular soft drink users have a lower intake of calcium, magnesium, ascorbic acid, riboflavin, and vitamin A.

The main active ingredients in coke are carbonated water, phosphoric acid, caffeine, highfructose corn syrup (sugar), caramel color and natural flavors. Some of its ingredients can be harmful for the health, like phosphoric acid. This dangerous ingredient is an industrial corrosive, used for cleaning motors, to get away oxide from the screws and as detergent too.

Drinking too much coke (approximately five cans a day) has been shown to upset the body's calcium/phosphorus ratio, because itcontains a ph of 2.8. Under these circumstances, the body attempts to maintain balance by drawing calcium from bone. Over time, bones can become fragile and more susceptible to fractures. As a result, all the dissolved calcium from bones, accumulates in the arteries, veins, skin and organs, which affects the functioning of the kidney assisting in the formation of Kidney stones.

The phosphoricacid in soft drinks competes with the hydrochloric acid of the stomach and affects its functions of killing germs that may have entered with the food, and preparing the food for digestion by dissolving certain compounds. When the stomach becomes ineffective, food remains undigested causing indigestion, gassiness or bloating.

Coke also it contains caffeine which is a potent central nervoussystem stimulant and much of its psychological activity may be related to this action of the drug. Consequently consuming it in large amounts can cause diseases and disorders such as nervousness, insomnia, agitation, irritability, anxiety, sleeplessness, restlessness, and deviations from the normal heart rate and sometimes disorientations. A major concern about the consumption of caffeine is that itincreases the excretion of calcium in urine, which increases the risk for osteoporosis in people who consume large quantities of coke. Another significant but negative effect is that caffeine increases the risk of birth defects.

Caffeine, When used in moderation, it may have beneficial effects, for example, its possible therapeutic use in hyperkinetic children, can help with headaches, itincreases muscle strength, increases metabolism by breaking down fat (freeing fatty acids and forcing them to be burned), increases pain relief medication effects, increases mental faculty, and educes asthma symptoms.

The most common sweetener is high fructose corn syrup. It extends the shelf life of products and is cheaper than sugar. Many beverages and processed foods made with high fructose corn...
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