Recursos Humanos

Páginas: 35 (8617 palabras) Publicado: 12 de octubre de 2012
Employee communications and consultation
Employee communications and consultation are the lifeblood of any
business. Whatever the size, or type, of organisation people need to talk
to each other; they need to exchange views and ideas, issue and receive
instructions, discuss problems and consider developments. This booklet
aims to assist employers, employees and theirrepresentatives develop
effective arrangements for communications and consultation. It describes:

why communications and consultation are important
who should take responsibility for communicating and consulting
what kinds of information are required and when consultation
should take place
the main methods of employee communications and consultation
the need for regular review ofprocedures and adequate training.

However, it is first important to define exactly what is meant by the terms
communications and consultation.
What is meant by employee communications and consultation?
Employee communications means the provision and exchange of
information and instructions which enable an organisation to function
efficiently and employees to be properly informed aboutdevelopments. It

the information to be provided
the channels along which it passes
the way it is communicated.

Consultation is the process by which management and employees or their
representatives jointly examine and discuss issues of mutual concern. It
involves seeking acceptable solutions to problems through a genuine
exchange of views and information. Consultation doesnot remove the
right of managers to manage - they must still make the final decision but it does impose an obligation that the views of employees will be
sought and considered before decisions are taken. Indeed, in certain
circumstances consultation with independent recognised trade unions is a
legal requirement.
The dividing line between consultation and communications is not clear
cut andthe terms are often used interchangeably. However, there is a
fundamental difference. Communications is concerned with the
interchange of information and ideas within an organisation. Consultation

goes beyond this and involves managers actively seeking and then taking
account of the views of employees before making a decision.
It is not only the relationship between communication andconsultation
that causes confusion; the link between consultation and collective
bargaining is also frequently misunderstood and must be clarified.
Collective bargaining is the process by which employers and recognised
trade unions seek to reach agreement through negotiation on issues such
as pay and terms and conditions of employment. It is quite different from
consultation where theresponsibility for decision making remains with
management. With collective bargaining both employer and trade union
take responsibility for fulfilling the bargain.
Given this scope for confusion it is particularly important that
organisations which recognise trade unions ensure that any consultation
or communications procedures they introduce are compatible with, and
complementary to, existingcollective bargaining processes.

Why are communications and consultation important?
Employee communications and consultation are essentially about involving
and developing people in an organisation. Whatever the size of an
organisation, and regardless of whether it is unionised or non-unionised,
employees will only be able to perform at their best if they know their
duties, obligations and rightsand have an opportunity of making their
views known to management on issues that affect them. With the trend
towards flatter management structures and the devolvement of
responsibilities to individuals, it is increasingly important that employees
have a real understanding not only of what they are required to do but
Good communications and consultation are central to the management...
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