Redes sociales

Páginas: 2 (401 palabras) Publicado: 15 de febrero de 2012
Comisión de Cultura y Educación

sociales y
privacidad”Social networks are web sites that offer diverse services and communication functionalities to keep in touch to the users of the network. They are based on a special software thatintegrates numerous individual functions: blogs, wikis, forums, chat, courier service, etc. in one herself interface and that provides the connectivity between the diverse ones users of the network.The social networks are completely independent and individual structures, until these did not seem no web similar to these existed
Since these social networks appeared, we have not stopped havingcases of ciber bulling, or online scams even they have had direct bearing on disappearances. There are a big danger for the minors who do not have the sufficient aptitude to realize its acts, and of theconsequences that these transport.

Since we can observe in this graph realized for "PROTEGELES" more or less 75 % of the minors uses some type of social network.

this supposes a big risk,because persons who do not exceed certain age, we suppose like maximum age to have a proper pérfil 16 years, they are not conscious of the irrigations that this kind of networks involves.
Also mostof the people do not read the use conditions, a big error, since it turns out to be necessary to read it, because, on having accepted to these conditions, we are offering our assent to the manager ofthe page so that he has our imagentes and information, and he could use them with entire freedom.
Another big problem there are the forms that we must do to have our own profile, since in manyforms they ask to us questions of personal character that we should not facilitate, like for example the political ideology or religious beliefs.

I think that we might avoid many problems as there...
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