Rutina Basica De Entrenamiento

Páginas: 21 (5125 palabras) Publicado: 21 de mayo de 2012
Basic Routine Overview

Please read before beginning the routines.

|Warming Up:Proper warm up is essential and will go a long way in terms of preventing injuries. Prior to the actual worksets, |
|perform one or two warm up sets in order to prepare the muscle group for the work ahead. The important thing to remember about |
|warming up is that you are only trying to prepare the musclefor the worksets. Don’t use to much time or energy warming up. Save |
|your energy for the actual worksets! Most people can adequately warm up a muscle group by performing 12-15 reps using a weight |
|that is about 50% of the weight that they will be using during the workset. |
|Intensity: The focus of this routine is intensity. Intensity(as far as we are concerned) means training with 100% effort in a |
|goal oriented fashion. Yes, you must have a specific goal that you are focused on in order to train with true intensity. |
|Intensity is the ability to push your limits while constantly striving for a higher level. |
|Weight: The amount of weight that you use during the exerciseshas little to do with your level of intensity during the workouts.|
|What matters is that you are using a weight that is heavy, for you. When you can perform the required amount of reps in good |
|form, increase the weight. |
|Worksets: Worksets are the sets that follow a good warm up. Youshould be focused and really pushing yourself during the |
|worksets. The number of sets listed in each routine refer to the actual number of worksets that you need to complete (i.e. they |
|do not include the warm up sets). |

Exercise Glossary|Barbell Shrugs |
|Purpose:Develop the trapezious and upper back muscles. Forearms receive secondary stress. |
|Equipment variations: Barbell, dumbbells or smith machine.|
|Starting position:Wear a lifting belt for lower back support. Stand erect in front of a power rack. The barbell should be resting |
|on the pins of the rack in a position that will allow a full stretch in your traps during the exercise. Your feet should be |
|shoulder-width apart. Grasp the barbell using an overhand grip(palms facing your body). Your arms should be slightlycloser than |
|shoulder width apart. |
|Performance:Stand erect by straightening your legs. Your shoulders should be relaxed. Shrug your shoulders straight upward, using |
|the strength of your traps to pull the barbell up. Squeeze your traps hard at the top of the movement. Focus onfeeling the |
|contraction in your traps. Slowly return the barbell to the starting position. Repeat. |
|Top Of Page |

|Barbell Extensions|
|Purpose:Develop the inner and medial heads of the triceps. |
|Equipment variations: E-Z curl bar or barbell. |
|Starting position:Grasp the barbell using an overhand grip(palms facing your body). Space your...
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