Social work

Páginas: 2 (336 palabras) Publicado: 7 de junio de 2011
Social work, short definition:
It is a profession that promotes the society change, the resolution of problems in human relationships and people´s walfare.
The trainning for futures professionalsis based on theories about human behaviour and social sistems, so they can be abble to intervene with the people in their daily context.
Human rights and social justice are essentials for the SocialWork. Its objective is to make easier people´s development to make their lives better.
This profession focuses on the resolution of problems and social changes; thats why social workers are usuallycalled agents of change. Their interventions involves psico-social processes on individual level, group, and comunity, as also a politic commitment with the profession.
This interventions involves:family advice, the social case, group work, social pedagogy, family tratament and efforts to help people getting services or resources.
Short history of Social Work as a profession:
The history ofSocial Work in Argentina through by different times: asistence, service and finally the social work.
At the beginning of the XX century, the Social Work was related with the medical profession, it was aeffective way to confront the social matters, and it was a profession, most of all, for womans and based on asistecial care.
In 1930, the first Social Attendants School was created in Buenos Aires,that depends on the Argentinian Social Museam.
In 1946 with Juan Domingo Perón´s presidency, the social action was on charge of his wife, Eva Duarte, who created a fundation that allowed her thecontatc with people on need in the country. This fundation made a very important change, it made de difference between social asitence and social rights.
Between the 60´s and 70´s, the profession made aradical change in their theories as well as their methodologies, this movement was called reconceptualization.
Now, we can say that the Social Work is a tecnical profession that use all the...
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