
Páginas: 3 (689 palabras) Publicado: 1 de abril de 2011
your turn.
1A: You are having a part. Give direction to your home. How far is it? How do you get there?
B: Ask a classmate for direction to his / her home or to some other place. Write down thedirection. Tell the direction to the class.
2A: Talk about your family. How many people are there in your family? How old are they? What do they look like?
B:Talk with a classmate about his / herfamily . How many people are there in the family? How old are they? What do they look like? Tell your classmate about the family.
3A: Talk about your work experience. Where was your last job? What didyou do?
B:Talk to a classmate about his/ her work experience. Where did he / she work? What did he / she do? Tell the class about your classmate's work experience.
4A: Talk about last weeknd.What did you do? Did you enjoy it? Why ?
B: Talk with a classmate about his / her weekend. What did he / she do? Did he / she enjoy it? Why? Tell the class about it.
5A: Talk about a time when youwere sick. When was it? How did you feel?
B: Talk with a classmate about his / her health. How does he / she feel today? Does he / she get sick sometimes? When was the last time he / she gotsick? What was the matter? Tell the class about it.

*ask for directions
say where place are
give directions
read a map.
talk about your family
describe people
Talk about yourself and otherstalk about your job
talk about your company and your work experience
talk about skills and past work experience
invite someone out
talk about your favorite activities
make plans to go out
askabout someone's health
talk about health
show concern
ask for advice ask for directions
say where place are
give directions
read a map.
talk about your family
describe people
Talk about yourselfand others
talk about your job
talk about your company and your work experience
talk about skills and past work experience
invite someone out
talk about your favorite activities
make plans...
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