Tecnologo En Sistemas

Páginas: 10 (2387 palabras) Publicado: 27 de julio de 2011
El Macaco Cangrejero |
Macaca fascicularis |

El Macaco Cangrejero (Macaca fascicularis) es natural de Asia. Su distribución comprende Indochina, las islas Filipinas, Borneo y otras islas menores de Indonesia, llegando hasta las islas de Nicobar. |
Habita en la vegetación próxima al agua, incluyendo manglares. Se le puede ver en vegetación primaria ysecundaria. Se le documenta desde el nivel del mar hasta los 2000 metros de elevación. |
En esta especie normalmente las hembras mantienen un sistema de jerarquía hereditario donde las hijas mantienen la posición social de la madre. Una vez que son adultas son dominantes sobre las otras hembras que la madre es dominante y a la vez sumisas de aquellas que son dominantes sobresu madre. |
Normalmente tiene un sólo hijo. El período de gestación es de 167 a 193 días. La madre deja de cuidar al hijo cuando éste tiene de seis meses a un año. |
Al norte de su distribución es posible que se cruce con el Macaco Rhesus. |
En cautiverio logra los 38 años. |
Se alimenta de frutas,hojas, semillas, invertebrados, incluyendo cangrejos, y pequeños vertebrados. |
De longitud en el cuerpo y la cabeza logra de 38 a 64 cm. La cola alcanza de 40 a 65 cm. El peso es de 2.5 y 9 kg. |
En inglés se le conoce por “Crab-eating Macaque” y “Long-tailed Macaque”. |

Geographic Range
Long tailed or crabeating macaques (Macaca fascicularis) are found in southeast Asia from Burma to the Philippines and southward through Indochina, Malaysia, and Indonesia. They are found as far east as the Timor Islands.
Long-tailed macaques are "ecologically diverse." Some of the habitats in which they have been found are primary forests, disturbed and secondary forests, and riverine and coastal forestsof nipa palm and mangrove. Long-tailed macaques live most successfully in disturbed habitats and on the periphery of forests.
In Sumatra, they achieve their highest population densities in mixed mangrove swamps, secondary hill forests, and riverine forests. Some were also observed in freshwater swamps, scrub grassland, lowland primary forests, and rubber groves.
In Thailand, long-tailed macaquesoccur in evergreen forests, bamboo forests, and in deciduous forests.
In Malaysia, they are abundant in coastal lowland forests.
This species has been observed drinking much water and eating crabs, they often live near bodies of water. Of the various habitats occupied by long-tailed macaques, the swamp forests seem to have the highest density of them.
In recent years, habitat alteration hasexpanded the range of some populations of long-tailed macaques. In Malaysia, cleared land, such as plantation areas, has been colonized by this species. It has been observed that some disturbed habitats have higher troop and population sizes than some pristine forests.
This species has the highest degree of arboreality of all macaque species. One study of long-tailed macaque behavior reported thatthey never came to the ground except within 5 m of the edge of a river near their tree. The population densities of this diurnal species vary from 10 to 400 per squared kilometer.
Physical Description
The body fur of long-tailed macaques tends to be grey-brown to reddish brown. These colors are always paler ventrally. The face is brownish-grey with cheek whiskers. The eyes are directed forwardfor binocular vision. The nose is flat and the nostrils are narrow and close together (catarrhine condition). Long-tailed macaques have shovel-shaped incisors, conspicuous canines, and bilophodont molars. The tooth formula is I 2/2, C 1/1, PM 2/2, and M 3/3.
The body length, not including the tail, is 40 to 47 cm. The greyish- brown or reddish colored tail is 50 to 60 cm. Long-tailed macaques...
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