Trabajo de ingles estrategias de lectura

Páginas: 6 (1276 palabras) Publicado: 5 de septiembre de 2012
Reading estrategies
Part I:Pre- Reading strategies

1. Lluvia de ideas partiendo del titulo, subtitulos y diagramas. El toberllino es una técnica para generar ideas en forma grupal con la nimacion de un facilitador. Fue creada por Alex Osborn en 1938 para hacer mas efectivas y creativas las reuniones de trabajo.

Practice: in small groups writesix words related to the tide.|diabetes |

|Sehp |

|ulcers |

|alopecia |

|memory |

|hypertension |

|concentration |

2. Predicción

del tema central a partir del título, subtítulo, imágenes. Solé(1994) postula que las prediccionesconsisten en establecer hipótesis ajustadas sobre lo que va a encontrarse en el texto, apoyándose en la interpretación que se va construyendo del texto, los conocimientos previos y la experiencia del lector. Smith (1990) nos dice: la predicción consiste en formular preguntas; la comprensión en responder a esas preguntas “. Al leer, al atender a un hablante, al vivir cada día, estamosconstantemente formulándonos preguntas. En la medida en que respondemos a esas interrogantes, en la medida en que no nos quedamos con ninguna incertidumbre, estamos comprendiendo.

Practice: Read the titles, subtitles, cognates. Look a the pictures and tables. Predict three items of information that you think the author will write about.

1.- Stress effects on health

2.- Stresseffects on performance

3.- studies about the effects of stress

3.- Practice: write 4 questions that you think the text answer you.

1.- What are the main diseases caused by stress?

2.- How is the brain affected by stress?

3.- What have the studies demonstrated about the stress?

4.- Can stress be controlled?

4.- PRACTICE. Read the first sentenceof each paragraph to identify the organization of the text. Identify each sentence as belonging to an introductory, body or concluding paragraph.

First paragraph.

- Stress is proven beyond doubt to make people ill, and evidence es increasing as to number of ailments and diseases caused by stress.


Second paragraph

Various us studies havedemonstrated that removing stress improves specific aspects of health : stress management was shown to be capaple of reducing the risk of heart attack by up to 75% in people with heart disease, stress management techniques, along with methods of doping with anger, contributed to a reduction of high blood pressure, and for chronic tension headache sufferers it was found that found that stressmanagement techniques increased the effectiveness of prescribed drugs, and after six months actually equaled the effectiveness of antidepressants. (Body)

Third paragraph

Stress significantly reduces brain functions such as memory, concentration, and learning all of which are central to effective performance at work.


Fourth paragraph

Stress is said by some tobe a good thing, for themselves or others, that it promoves excitement and positive feelings. (Body)

Fisting paragraph

Last sentence

Stress is bad for people and organizations it’s a threat and a health risk, and it needs to be recognized and deal with, not dismissed as something good, or welcomed as a badge of machismo.

(Concluding paragraph)

5.- Recognition ofsignal words

Practice: scan the text quickly and complete the chart below.

Cause Effect Sentences with signal words

Stress ailments and Stress is proven beyond doubt to make people

Diseases ill, and evidence is increasing as to number of...
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