Trabajo de ingles sobre la condesa

Páginas: 5 (1170 palabras) Publicado: 13 de octubre de 2010


The colony "Condesa" is located in the zone center of Mèxico city, next to the colony “Escandòn”, belongs to the delegation Cuauhtémoc. What City residents and visitors commonly known as "La Condesa" is really the area included for three colonies: “Condesa, Hipódromo e Hipódromo Condesa”. It is known as the Soho of Mexico City for the amount of coffees, bookstoresand restaurants, art galleries and boutiques that have, and also the culture and nightlife of the place. With the exception of the street in Amsterdam, the nomenclature of the streets is similar to that of the colony “Roma”, as they also lead the names of cities and states of Mexico

.2.- History and Current Background to the colony “Condesa”

The origins of the colony Condesa back in thedecades of the 20's and 30's when they began to build numerous buildings from the beginning had some of the best planned city infrastructure, the proof is its large parks and wide tree lined avenues , coupled with its central location next to the Colonia Roma.

Since its founding in 1927, colony Condesa, was the seat of the upper middle class of the city, as well as many foreign communities settledin Mexico City, among them the Spanish, Argentina, Germany, Jewish and English.

The zone of Condesa WAS Also Equipped with wide boulevards and ridges, roundabout, fountains and two large parks, the Spain Park, and the Mèxico park, whose original name was General San Martín. This makes the space allocated for green areas is nearly the 40 percent of the total area of the colony. This meant that,at the time was one of the most attractive areas to live.

The lasts years this area has seen a strong revival, which has become one of the hot spots of Mexico City, with its numerous outdoor terraces where they meet equally clerks, artists, students and designers in entertaining talks that give this area a bohemian air and intellectual, equivalent of New York's Soho or Paris' Latin Quarter.3.- Arquitectura y diseño, Residentes celebres y Transporte turístico.

If you walk with eyes wide open, the first surprise in La Condesa is its architecture, one of its greatest attractions still less trained eye, in this place you can find outstanding examples of architecture ranging from Art Deco, from Functionalism or the most recent and cutting-edge examples.

But the attractions of LaCondesa not limited to architecture. As has happened since its inception, this place has always been home to artists like shelter for experimentation at all times, now accommodates many other trends and expressions, such as design.

So it's not surprising that now, the pair of galleries exhibiting paintings, sculptures and photographs, the design starts to raise his hand as a discipline thatcaptures the attention of an increasingly large group of people.

Although small scale establishments, young Mexican designers have found in the ancient streets of this neighborhood the perfect setting to showcase their creations, most of which have as main feature the excitement of Mexican art or the rescue of distinctive features our culture.

Among the famous people who have lived in theneighborhood include Dolores del Rio (Mexican diva) Agustín Lara (songwriter), Mario Moreno "Cantinflas" (actor), Juan Soriano (artist), Pilar Rioja (dancer), Rosangela Balbo (actress ), Francisco Contreras (tennis), Horacio Villalobos (Driver and television actor) among many others.

The tourist transport service in Mexico City, known as a popular form Turibús offers service part of their tour ofthis colony, explaining its history and attractions. Provides routing from the base, located opposite the National Auditorium, or may be at the stop called "Condesa”, between the streets of Michoacan and Tamaulipas.

4.-Attractions, Arts, Hotels and Restaurants

La Condesa is known for being a cultural and artistic center of Mexico. In the area find galleries, bookstores, antique shops,...
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