

Canto 13 - 16

Canto 13

Zeus, happy with the progress of the war, left the battlefield. Poseidon, eager to help the Achaeans, he realizes that Zeus is gone, so visit the Lesser Ajax and Ajax the Great. The god of the seas is in the form of decals and gives them confidence to withstand the onslaught Trojan. It also uses the spirits to return to the rest of the Achaeans. In the spirit restored, the Achaeans back to face the Trojans, and the two push back Ajax Hector.

            The commander of the Trojans Teuco throws his spear, but he dodges, deflects, and the gun is stuck in the body of Amphimachus, grandson of Poseidon. As an act of revenge, Poseidon Idomeneo gives a huge rage, who claims the lives of many Trojan soldiers, but mostly killing Deiphobus craves. During this confrontation, and Menelaus wounded Deiphobus shows his greatness by ending several Trojan warriors.

            On the right flank Hector continues his assault, but the Trojans who accompany him have lost their force in dealing with both Ajax. Some have returned to the walls of Troy. Polydamas convinces Hector to regroup their forces. Hector tries to rally his comrades but realizes that they are injured or killed. An eagle appears to the right of Ajax, an omen favorable to the Achaeans.


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