

Temas o tópicos a discutir

1. Is there a "heroic code" that guides the decisions of the characters in the Iliad ? Discuss values ​​Homeric hero, paying particular attention to the contrasting characters such as Odysseus and Achilles-Hector Paris.

Two. Discuss what is the interpretation that Homer makes the gods in the Iliad . What is the relationship between the gods and mortals, as well as the destination? Why do you say that Homer presents to the gods as a source of comic relief?

Three. Discuss how the Iliad portrays the relationships between parents and children. How ancestral loyalty affects the behavior of the characters? How the relationship between parents and children differ from those between mothers and children?

April. Discuss if Achilles can be seen as a character that generates empathy. Explain why or why not. Use examples from the text to explain your answer.

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Ensayos sobre Ilíada