

Canto 5 - 8

Canto 5

As the battle continues, Pandarus wounds Diomedes. The Achaean warrior prays to Athena for revenge, the goddess gives him superhuman strength and also gives extraordinary power to discern the gods on the battlefield. She warns him not to challenge any of them, except Aphrodite. Diomedes fights like a man possessed, killing all Trojans found. The Pandarus overconfidence cost him his death by the spear of Diomedes. Aeneas, the Trojan hero, is wounded by Diomedes. When the mother of Aeneas, Aphrodite, comes to her aid, Diomedes manages to cut his wrist and sends it back to Mount Olympus. When Apollo tries to attend instead of Aphrodite Aeneas, Diomedes attacks him too. This act violates Achaean Athena agreed with not attacking any god except Aphrodite. Apollo then throws a stern warning to Diomedes, God pushes him aside effortlessly and Aeneas pulls off the field. Apollo, with the aim of altering the passions of the companions of Aeneas, leaving a replica of the Trojan body on the floor. Another god who fights for the side of Troy is Ares, god of war.

            With the help of the gods, the Trojans begin to take the lead in the battle. Achaean soldiers to see Hector and Ares fighting side by side find it frightening. But Hera and Athena appeals to Zeus, who gives permission to intervene. Hera gathers the rest of the Achaean soldiers, while Athena encourages Diomedes. She withdraws its previous order not to attack any of the gods and even jump on the bandwagon of Achaean to challenge Ares....

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