Adverbios .

Páginas: 5 (1051 palabras) Publicado: 4 de junio de 2014

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1- Buscar una biografía de Karl Marx en inglés y una en español, que sean de distinta fuente.
2- Marcar en los textos con diferentescolores las ideas en español que sean similares a las del texto en inglés.
3- -Marcar en ambos textos ejemplos de adverbios. Extraerlos y proveer su significado.
4- - Buscar en los textos formas verbales usadas como adjetivos (ed-/-ing) y subrayar el adjetivo y el sustantivo al que modifica.
5- ¿Cuáles son los equivalentes en inglés de: Marxismo- Manifiesto Comunista- principal crítica delMarxismo- Seguidores de Marx- Partido Democrático Social Ruso- conservadurismo?
6- ¿Cuál fue su metodología para trabajar el texto en inglés?

1) The philosopher, social scientist, historian and revolutionary, Karl Marx, (1818-1883) is without a doubt the most influential socialist thinker to emerge in the 19th century. Although he was largely ignored by scholars in his ownlifetime, his social, economic and political ideas gained rapid acceptance in the socialist movement after his death in 1883.  He was born on May 5, 1818 in the city of Trier, Germany, he went to the University of Bonn to study law when he was 17 years old. Here he became engaged to Jenny von Westphalen, whose father, Baron von Westphalen, influenced Marx to read Romantic literature andSaint-Simonian politics.
Arriving in Paris at the end of 1843, Marx rapidly made contact with organized groups of émigré German workers and with various sects of French socialists. He also edited the short-lived Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher which was intended to bridge French socialism and the German radical Hegelians. During his first few months in Paris, Marx became a communist and set down his viewsin a series of writings known as the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts (1844), which remained unpublished until the 1930s. In the Manuscripts, Marx outlined a humanist conception of communism, influenced by the philosophy of Ludwig Feuerbach and based on a contrast between the alienated nature of labor under capitalism and a communist socety in which human beings freely developed their naturein cooperative production. It was also in Paris that Marx developed his lifelong partnership with Friedrich Engels (1820-1895).
Marx was expelled from Paris at the end of 1844 and with Engels, moved to Brussels where he remained for the next three years, visiting England where Engels' family had cotton spinning interests in Manchester. While in Brussels Marx devoted himself to an intensive studyof history and elaborated what came to be known as the materialist conception of history. Marx's health did not improve. He traveled to European spas and even to Algeria in search of recuperation. The deaths of his eldest daughter and his wife clouded the last years of his life. Marx died March 14, 1883 and was buried at Highgate Cemetery in North London.

Karl Heinrich Marx, conocido tambiénen castellano como Carlos Marx (Tréveris, Reino de Prusia, 5 de mayo de 1818 –Londres, Reino Unido, 14 de marzo de 1883), fue un filósofo, intelectual y militante comunista alemán de origen judío. En su vasta e influyente obra, incursionó en los campos de la filosofía, la historia, la ciencia política, la sociología y la economía; aunque no limitó su trabajo solamente al área intelectual, puesademás incursionó en el campo del periodismo y la política, proponiendo en su pensamiento la unión de la teoría y la práctica. Junto a Friedrich Engels, es el padre del socialismo científico, del comunismo moderno, del marxismo y del materialismo dialéctico. Sus escritos más conocidos son el Manifiesto del Partido Comunista (en coautoría con Engels) y El Capital.
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