
Páginas: 5 (1107 palabras) Publicado: 21 de noviembre de 2012
Bullying and its types
It seems that there really is very common but cases of bullying among children,
firsthand many parents have had that experience among our
children, not knowing what to say and how to act.
What is Bullying?
It is a word proviente the Dutch word that means harassment.
The first to use the term "bulliing" within the meaning of bullying in their
research was Dan Olweus,who implanted in the '70s in Sweden a
long-term study that culminated with a complete anti-bullying program for
Norwegian schools.
Formerly this word was not mentioned, but due to the alarming increase
in cases of persecution and attacks that are being detected in schools, which
school leads many to live truly frightening situations, is now
talking about it anymore.
Bullying is present inalmost anywhere, is not exclusive to any sector
or society about sex, but in the aggressor's profile is evident, predominance
in males. There were no differences in regards to the victims.
The aggressor harasses the victim when alone, in bathrooms, in the hallways, in the
dining in the courtyard. For this reason teachers often nor are aware.
However this is not a simple push or comments, thisis a situation
that if not stopped in time can cause severe emotional damage to the victim.
This practice becomes common in middle and high levels
Mexico public or private, in other parts of the world is adapting to the
technology resulting in cyber bullying, ie harassment through
Specifically Internet websites, blogs or emails.

Type of Bullying
Sex: It's when there is a siege, inductionor sexual abuse.
Social exclusion: When ignored, isolated and excludes the other.
Verbal: Insults and slurs in public to embarrass the weak.
Psychological: In this case there is persecution, intimidation, tyranny, blackmail,
handling and other threats.
Physical: There hitting, pushing or beating the beleaguered organization

How an aggressor and the victim

· Those who engage in bullyingdoes to impose their power over the other making
thus it under its complete control over months or even years.
· The child or several, usually in groups, constantly have attitudes
aggressive and threatening no reason against one or more other children.
· Is or are provocative, anything is for them teased.
· The way to resolve conflict is through aggression.
· It is not empathetic, ie not putin the place of another

Causes and consequences of bullying

Personal: A child who acts aggressively suffers some form of intimidation or
abuse at school or in the family.
Acquire this behavior when adults often humiliated.
Feels superior, either because it has the support of other attackers or because the
a child is beset with very little ability to respond to attacks.
Family: Thechild may have aggressive attitudes as a way to express their
with a familiar feel little emotional, there are situations where the absence of
a parent, divorce, violence, abuse or humiliation exerted by parents and
older siblings, perhaps because it is a child who lives under constant possibly
pressure to succeed in their activities or else a child is extremely
All of these situationscan lead to aggressive behavior in children and
bring to violence as teenagers.
At school: The larger the school is no greater risk of further harassment
school, especially if this factor is compounded by the lack of physical control, monitoring and
respect, humiliation, threats or exclusion between teachers and students.
In addition to the new educational models that are exposed as childrenease with which they try and put into practice the values​​, the absence of limits and
rules of conduct, to have influenced such behavior
occur more often.

As parents must act before a child stalker

· You have and you should approach your child, talk to him.
· Interact more with your child's friends and see what activities do.
· Once you find yourself creating a climate of trust and...
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