
Páginas: 2 (325 palabras) Publicado: 22 de enero de 2013
Qul huwa Allâhu ahad
qul = say, teach, tell
root q-w-l ... to speak, say, inspire, point out, tell, relate, teach, assert
huwa = he
pronoun, 3rd person, masc, nominative
Allahu =Allah
the u at the end indicates that Allah is the subject
ahad = the one, the only one, one without any partner, one without a second
Allâh s-samad
Allah = Allah
s-samad =eternal, absolute, one whom all need, one who is the foundation of all, solid, independent
Lam yalid wa lam yûlad
lam = (particle) did not, was not
yalid = give birth to, generate,produce, sire, beget
ya is an imperfect prefix, the root is w-l-d
wa = and, and also
lam = (particle) not, did not, was not
yulad = birthed, born, generated, produced, sired, begottenyu is imperfect prefix, the root is w-l-d
wa lam yaku llahû kufuwan ahad
wa = and, and also
lam = (particle) was not, did not
yaku(n) = is, was
ya is an imperfect prefix, rootk-w-n, ( note: the n is not pronounced in this phrase)
llahu = unto Him, with Him
kufuwan = equal, like, comparable, matching, corresponding
root k-f- ' meaning to be comparable, like,similar to
ahad = the One, the only One, the One without any partner, the One without a second
Armed with these definitions and your own inner guidance, you cancreate your own poetic rendering of al-Ikhlâs... just go through al-Ikhlâs word-by-word, inserting the definition of each word that seems to speak to you. For example, here is a poeticrendering that I enjoy:
For the glory of Allah, the Merciful One Who is endlessly Beneficent, and Who Graciously rewards those who live in Divine harmony,

1) (Muhammad,) teach them:He, Allah, is the Only One;
2) Allah is the Eternal One upon Whom all depend
3) He Who creates without a partner, and Who was not created
4) and there is none comparable to the One.
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