Human resources management social networks
The areas of human resources of many companies, and consultants are increasingly using Facebook and Twitter to find and select staff. These services areused, especially when tracked talents belong to the so-called Generation Y (those born between 1982 and 1991), which today make up the young force in the labor market and have naturalized the use ofnew technologies.
Recruiters then open profiles on Facebook, Twitter launched calls for, and candidates seek professional networks like Linkedin. In turn, the selection process, are becoming morecommon with video interviews calls via Skype (talk over the Internet system) or instant messaging, and conducting tests online.
On the side of the candidates, the Internet and is one more way tofind work or move to a better one. Many young people not only leave your CV on HR portals also keeps your profile on the networks, and circulate for searches of Twitter to find out.
For Agustina PazAgustina Paz the consulting and Associates (Argentina) Internet tool to use depends on the candidate profile sought. "Facebook is a good choice to recruit younger people, who do not yet have aprofile in specialized networks such as Linkedin," he says. In his opinion, the consultants must be present in all networks. His company usually search for keywords across multiple pages and forums. "Inthose areas one should be treated with respect, show, state clearly what one enters the site, and to bring a proposal only if it receives clear signals that it will not be unwelcome," said Paz.Meanwhile, Paola De Simone, Talent Cia Latam, the fact that 80% of candidates for office that manages your company get their calls via the Internet. "Certainly, few will give a talk to a company incollege, but many visit the site of that company, and few will read a billboard in a hallway, but will pay attention to an invitation by mail" he says. His company tries to minimize instances of face...
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