
Páginas: 3 (549 palabras) Publicado: 3 de agosto de 2011
During this course we have learn many important aspects about ABC Firm and it structure. According to what we have learned about ABC firm, this company is organized by teams where each team is leadby a CPA partner which oversees the integrants of each team. As a supervisor, is in charge of the decision-making and of setting priority work. In this case, is very important for the members of eachteam to feel motivated to accomplish the tasks assign by the supervisor. As we have been informed, this company presents many complaints of some of the employees. Some of them complain about thebenefits and the unfair working hours. This company may start with benefits that rely in the performance, antiquity and skills for every employee. It is logical that those employees who have worked morethan a certain number of years receive better benefits and accommodations that those how just started. Also, it’s important for the manager of each team to set goals and different responsibilities foreach member; by this each team will seek to perform in timing and quality of the job they are assigning for. The successful of every company is the result of a well-organize structure build by those wholead the company. However, the employees are a key element for a company to succeed. Well motivated employees bring better results for any organization. On the other hand, the reduction on workinghours by half hour and one hour on Friday should be change. In order to keep the employees motivated I will recommend a monthly bonus bases on the accomplishment of the job.
On the other hand, I thinkit will help for the company to grow a good advertising technique. Laredo is a community with too much competency in the accounting field. Billboards and newspaper ads are very helpful for a companythat wants to provide more prople with their services.
As an accounting firm maybe they need to broad a little more in their services. For example, payroll services are a very good source of...
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