Preguntas Libro a Foreignner In New York

Páginas: 3 (678 palabras) Publicado: 15 de abril de 2012

1. Why hadn't Antonio visited New York before?

Chapter 1

1. Why is it difficult to talk about a real New Yorker?

2. How did passing through Times Square affect Antonioand why?

3. Why did Antonio's father say that the Hell's Kitchen neighbourhood was tough?

4. Why did Times Square remind Antonio of the Puerta del Sol in Madrid?

Chapter 2

1.What does Thanksgiving commemorate?

2. Which groups of people take part in the big parade on Thanksgiving morning?

3. Explain how the orphans' dinner got its name.

4. Why was Antoniosurprised when he entered the loft apartment?

5. Why are there newspapers written in Spanish in New York?

Chapter 3

1. Why was Antonio happy to spend a day relaxing with Jason?

2.What did Elaine tell Antonio about the subway in New York?

3. Why was Ellis Island important in the past?

4. Who gave the Statue of Liberty to America and why?

5. What made leavingdifficult for the new immigrants?

Chapter 4

1. How did Elaine feel about the Twin Towers?

2. How was Antonio's friend saved when the Twin Towers collapsed?

3. Why did the localadministration buy an enormous piece of land in the middle of the

Chapter 5

1. Why did Antonio enjoy seeing New York by himself?

2. Why was Antonio surprised when he saw famouspeople in New York?

3. Why did Antonio feel that Peter was taking him to a different country?

4. How does New York's Chinatown compare with Chinatown in London and to other Chinesecommunities in America?

5. Why did Peter say that he and Antonio were changing continents?

Chapter 6

1. Explain briefly how Antonio prepared for the basketball game between the Knicks and theNets.

2. What was special about the way that the players were introduced to the crowd?

3. How did Antonio ignore Jason's advice about acting like a native New Yorker?

4. Why did...
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  • A Foreigner In New York
  • a foreigner in new york
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