Breve historia de egipto [inglés]

Páginas: 2 (434 palabras) Publicado: 25 de agosto de 2012
Brief history

Officially is called Arab republic of Egypt

Located at the north of Africa on the Sinai Peninsula and connected to South East Asia. It’s the most populated area in the MiddleEast. Egyptians are the biggest ethnic group in Egypt with 91%, other ethnic (and minority) groups on the area are: Abazas, Turks, Greeks and Bedouin Arabs.

The main areas of the region are the NileRiver, the Sahara desert and El Cairo.

The monuments built on the region are the Giza Pyramids complex and the Great Sphinx built on 2200 b.c.. Also important cities built by the ancient civilizationare Karnak, Memphis and Thebes.

The base of economy of Egypt is the agriculture and the tourism. The country has grown a lot from 1967-2009 because of the medical advances in the area and alsomore production and agriculture.

The climate of the area varies between the seasons of the year but it’s sunny and warm almost all the year and on winter season the country suffers of big rains.The political system of the region on the ancient times was managed by one supreme power called pharaoh (a divine representation). Then, on 1953 Egypt was officially named a Republic but it has been onthe Emergency Law since 1967. On 2011, a revolution was made to take out an unwanted leader.

90% of the population belongs to Islam religion and the other 10% is adhered to Christianity or CopticOrtodox.

Their main language is the Modern Standard Arabic. The 68% talks Egyptian Arabic, 29% the Sa’idi Arabic, 1.6% Bedawi Arabic, .6% Sudanese Arabic, .3% Domari, .3% Nobiin and .1% the Beja.Pyramids.

Egypt is characterized for having pyramids and being one of the earliest civilizations.

There have been discovered 138 in all the Egypt territory. Most of these pyramids arededicated to being tombs, for the Pharaohs.

The first pyramid was built in 2630 B.C. At first the pyramids were “mastabas” but in 2630 B.C Pharaoh Djoser constructed a mastaba but with this new look that...
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