Ciso preguntas cap. 6

Páginas: 9 (2033 palabras) Publicado: 22 de octubre de 2009
Cisco Networking Academy
Cuestionario de la 6° Unidad
22 de Octubre del 2009
How is an IPv4 address normally written? Posee una dirección de origen de 32 bits y una dirección de destino de 32 bits
What is an octet? Grupo de 8 bits binaries
The IP address is in two parts. The bits on the left (high order) represent the: Porcion dered
The bits on the right (low order) represent the: Porción de host
What is the largest number that can be held in one octet (8 bits)? 255
Convert the binary number 10011101 to decimal. 159
Convert the binary number 11110000 to decimal. 240
Convert the decimal number 224 to binary. 11100000
Convert the decimal number 200 to binary.11001000
Convert the IP address to binary. 11000000.10101000.00010100.00010001
What are the three types of IP address in the range of a network? Dirección de red, dirección de broadcast y direcciónes host
What information does the network prefix give? Es la cantidad de bits en la dirección que conforma la porción de red
If a host IPaddress is and the prefix length is /24, what are the network address and broadcast address of the host’s network? Dirección de red = dirección de broadcast =
If a host IP address is and the prefix length is /16, what are the network address and broadcast address of the host’s network? Dirección de red = dirección de broadcast =
If a host IP address is and the prefix length is /24, what are the network address and broadcast address of the host’s network? Dirección de red = dirección de broadcast =
A host IP address is and the prefix length is /28. How many bits of the last octet are in thenetwork part of the address? Dirección de red = dirección de broadcast =
The host address and prefix are the same as in the previous question. Write the last octet in binary showing all 8 bits. 00001001
The host address and prefix are the same as before. The network address has all the bits in the host part set to 0. What is the lastoctet of the network address written in binary? 00000000
The host address and prefix are the same as before. What is the network address written as four octets of decimal? 11001001.0010011.0001000.00000000
The host address and prefix are the same as before. The network address has all the bits in the host part set to 1. What is the last octet of the networkaddress written in binary? 00000001
A host IP address is and the prefix length is /28. What are the network address and the broadcast address of the host’s network? Direccion de Network, Direccion de broadcast
A host is using the broadcast address to send a directed broadcast to hosts on the, which is the other side of a router. Will the broadcast reach the hosts? No por defecto
12.Which IPv4 addresses are not currently used to address hosts, but are reserved for experimental purposes? a
13.What is the difference between public addresses and private addresses? Una IP Publica se utiliza generalmente para montarservidores en internet y necesariamente se desea que la IP no cambie por eso siempre la IP Publica se la configura de manera Fija.
IP Privada generalmente es dinámica asignada por un servidor DHCP
What is the name of the service that can allow hosts on a network using private addresses to have the use of a public address or addresses to access the Internet? NAT (Network...
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