Coaching Trends

Páginas: 116 (28969 palabras) Publicado: 28 de julio de 2012
Thesis: “Global Trends in Coaching Practice at the Workplace and Personal Life” Is Coaching Practice Effective and Increasing Worldwide?

Interuniversity College for Health and Development
Graz / Castle of Seggau,

“Global Trends in Coaching Practice at the Workplace and in Personal Life”
Is Coaching Practice Effective and Increasing Worldwide?Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of:

Master of Science (MSc) in “Complementary, Psychosocial and Integrated Health Sciences”
By Ricardo Roberto Saavedra Hidalgo Graz, April 2012 Chairperson of the Supervisory Committee: Karl Nielsen Winterfeldtstr. 97 10777 Berlin Germany


Thesis: “Global Trends in Coaching Practice at the Workplace and in PersonalLife” Is Coaching Practice Effective and Increasing Worldwide?

© Copyright by Ricardo Roberto Saavedra Hidalgo 2012


Thesis: “Global Trends in Coaching Practice at the Workplace and in Personal Life” Is Coaching Practice Effective and Increasing Worldwide?

Frau/Herr: Ricardo Roberto Saavedra Hidalgo geboren am: 26.03.1970 mit der Matrikelnummer: UC0 1500120100301033

nimmt seit WS2010/11 als ordentliche/r Hörer/in am Interuniversitären Lehrgang für „komplementäre, psychosoziale und integrative Gesundheitswissenschaften“ zum Grad einer/s MSc teil. Email: I hereby confirm that the contribution to the presented thesis is by myself according to the rules.

_______________________ Signature Graz, March 2012

Thesis Chair:
Karl Nielsen Winterfeldtstr. 9710777 Berlin Germany

Thesis accepted

__________________________ Signature of Staff

__________________________ Date


Thesis: “Global Trends in Coaching Practice at the Workplace and in Personal Life” Is Coaching Practice Effective and Increasing Worldwide?

“Global Trends in Coaching Practice at the Workplace and in Personal Life”
Is Coaching Practice Effective and IncreasingWorldwide?
This dissertation was made with a top-down discussion of the major results of the thesis, including: the codification of the Common Criteria into an generalizable assessment process; additional criteria were added for voting systems; the counterindications among criteria requirements; and the discussions of innovative perspectives and settings. Thesis Academic Committee_________________________________ Karl Nielsen (chairman), Berlin, Germany EU

_________________________________ Gerhard Berchtold Innsbruck Austria EU

Karl J. W. Werres

Düsseldorf, Germany


Thesis: “Global Trends in Coaching Practice at the Workplace and in Personal Life” Is Coaching Practice Effective and Increasing Worldwide?

Ricardo RobertoSaavedra Hidalgo
- 2011 – DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY, Ph.D. Universidad Central de Nicaragua, CENTRAL AMERICA. - 2010 - LICENCIATURA EN PSICOLOGIA (Revalidación). Universidad Azteca, México. - 2000 - MASTER OF EDUCATION, M.Ed. Inter-American University, USA. - 1998 - BACHELOR OF SCIENCE, BS, IN HEALTH SCIENCES. Barrington University (University of Atlanta), United Stated. Other Credit/Awards: Sidney RoseAward, University Deans List - 2004- «Maximizing Outcomes in the Management of Anxiety » Continuing Medical Education Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA, -2004- «Combination Therapy in Bipolar Disorder » Continuing Medical Education Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA, -2004- «Miembro Profesional de la American Psychological Society ». Member ID : 55396 Washington DC, USA -2003- Certificado en « HumanBehavior Modification for Organizational Leadership » (Modificacion delComportamiento Humano para el Liderazgo Organizacional) US Deparment of Defence (Departamento de la Defensa de los Estados Unidos) Washington DC. -2000-Certificacion en « Sexualidad Holistica y Vida Familiar » (Familiy Life & Sexual Traning) Colombia University, Joseph L. Mailman Scholl of Public Health, New York. -1998-Asignacion...
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