
Páginas: 3 (505 palabras) Publicado: 22 de febrero de 2014
Sofia: Hi everyone, excuse the absence but we were in northern Catalonia.
Jack: Yes sir…that’s where we were.
Sofia: And what are we going to say about it, apart from, basically, it wasincredible?
Jack: Well, let’s start with the first part of any holiday report. How was the weather?
Sofia: Whoa…it was crazy. Quite changeable… it was very hot in the afternoon and cold in the mornings, andit was also 10 colder the higher up the mountain you went. I’d say that the average temperature was about 25 degrees. Your nose was a little red after an afternoon in a meadow close to the hotel.Jack: Yes it was…or maybe that was the wine.
Sofia: Good point…we did drink a lot of wine.
Jack: And what was our principal feeling about Catalonia?
Sofia: It was like… an education on the regionwhere we live.
Jack: Yeah. It was a real education about Catalonia, because basically, our attitude to Catalonia was pretty much the same as other foreigners. That…
20 Sofia: …Catalonia was Barcelonaexcept perhaps for this quirky little town called Gerona somewhere in the north. A beautiful, sunny city with a remote satellite. But then we went to Ripolet and our ideas changed, primarily becauseof the landscape. The scenery was so impressive it was like…total impact. How would you describe it, Jack, because although it’s very green it’s very different from your mum’s country,Ireland?
Sofía: Hola a todos, disculpen la ausencia , pero nos quedamos en el norte de Cataluña.
Jack : Sí, señor ... que es donde estábamos.
Sofía: ¿Y qué vamos a decir al respecto, aparte de que,básicamente , era increíble ?
Jack : Bueno, vamos a empezar con la primera parte de todo documento de vacaciones. ¿Cómo era el clima ?
Sofía: Whoa ... que era una locura . Muy cambiante ... hacía muchocalor en la tarde y el frío en las mañanas, y también fue más frío 10 el más alto de la montaña se fue . Yo diría que la temperatura media era de unos 25 grados. Su nariz era un poco de rojo después...
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