El relacionista precoz

Páginas: 2 (451 palabras) Publicado: 25 de agosto de 2010
1. What´s about this history? = ¿de que trata la historia?
R/ in history there are two curious young people who enter an abandoned tower,
and are frightened by a scary giant man.2. Where is developed the history? = ¿donde se desarrolla la historia?
R/ in a tower.

3. Who is the main character? = ¿quien es el personaje principal?
R/ the man in kilt and red beard.4. What is the history name? = ¿cual es el nombre de la historia?
R/ the haunted tower.

5. Write someone similar to the last history. = escriba algo similar a la historia anterior.
A day at night, a family that was traveling toward the beach, were found in the way a great dark and gloomy castle. a son named Max said, let us go! "I want to know what in there, his fathertold him that he came but his wife wanted Yesika.

eventually all go desididos, it was all cloudy and almost could not see, max knocked on the door and it automatically opened, producing a sharpcry. everything inside was dark and smelled of death.
Max decided to be the first to enter the castle to check if there was someone, and bang! Of course! I received a big nose wrinkled lady with a scaryscream, max immediately and his family ran from the castle.

but found a surprise, the car was not where they left off and not even the traces of the car were in the snow. scared everyone startedto get the car in the vicinity of the castle, but unfortunately could not find anything.

Yesika suggested to leave racing for he suspected that something bad was going to happen, but max the bravestof the family did not want, he continued to search the car until he saw some tracks far from the castle, they were similar to those of the tires of car. max followed the tracks until I get to wherewas the car.

it was intact but the car's windshield said "death", the desididos very scared and leave the car and run shot to left to highway 2 km and take a bus. and so it was. nunka over again...
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