Estudi de casos, lectura uno.

Páginas: 2 (461 palabras) Publicado: 29 de junio de 2011
* It seems to be that half the world’s population is functionally bilingual.
6000 languages spoken in 160 states
bilingual: someone who can function in two languages according to givenneeds. NOT feeling equally in both of them, use them differently
simultaneous bilingual acquisition/bilingual first language acquisition exposure of two languages from birth.
Successivebilingual acquisition/bilingual second language acquisition one from birth (up to the age of 5), the other at a later stage.
balanced bilingual: comparable amount of input/output.
Unbalancedbilingual: one language is dominant
this would be defined not for its degrees of competence but rather in terms of differences in profiles.
Even when L2 learners reach the level of a native speaker, theirknowledge of the language is not exactly equivalent.
Developmental disadvantages in cognitive development or mlng. Bilngl follow the same path (both possible) NO DISADVANTAGESbilingual child let researchers investigate the cognitive and social factors that may affect the acquisition process
Bilingual children
Keeping languages separate in the input, make it easier for thechild to keep their two linguistic systems separate and to avoid mixing.

La Berta material sensible
Lligam afectiu, exposició.
Desenvolupament psicomotriu correcte. fins a quin punt?
Comarriba la nena? monolingüe, plurilingüe? Quina llengua porta? Quanta llengua porta?
Transferència d’habilitats mentals (Quan s’ha aprés i assolit bé una primera llengua).
Llengua laenllacen amb situacions pitjors. Es recomana tallar.

Altra gent
Pare qüestions de desenvolupament físic de la nena, és doctor.
Mare hores que la Mare estarà amb la nena. Llengua de la mare:anglès. Llengua per excel·lència a l’escola, molt valorada.

Escenari (variables)
Molt important tenir dues altres llengües (Estrangeres) Alemany + Francès/Xinès.
Llengua catalana a l’escola bressol...
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