
Páginas: 2 (394 palabras) Publicado: 6 de agosto de 2012
Karl Marx (1818-1883)
•      Marx transformed socialism into its most revolutionary form -- Revolutionary Communism.
•      Communism frightens people.
•      He was born in Trier located inPrussia in 1818.
•      Hence he is known as the Red Prussian.
Influences on Marx
•      Marx studied at the University of Berlin.
•      There he was influenced by Hegel and adopted his principal ofthe “dialectic.”
•      That he made central to “economic determinism” and “class struggle.”
•      Marx lived most of his life in exile -- fleeing the Rhineland in 1843, Paris in 1845, Brussels too,and eventually settled in London.
Karl Marx
The Principles of Marxism
•      Economic Determinism
•      Class Struggle
•      Inevitability of Communism
•      Economic Determinism --Economics generally determine all other human institutions on a social and political level, including art, religion, and other cultural forms.
•      Class Struggle -- History is a dialectical process, aseries of conflicts between antagonistic economic groups.
•      Inevitability of Communism -- The class struggle would ultimately lead to a victory for the proletariat.
Marx and Capitalism
•     He disliked everything about Capitalism.
•      He never thought the system could be corrected.
•      He believed that the Capitalism would never permit workers to receive their true rewards.
Engels (1820-1895)
•      Marx and Engels were poles apart.
•      One was outgoing, the other was quiet and withdrawn.
•      One like wine, women, and song; the other reading in theBritish Museum.
•      But Engels hated the system too.
•      He was the author of The Condition of the Working Class in England.
The Coming of the Manifesto
•      In 1847, The London Office of theCommunist League requested that they draw up a program for their organization.
•      Engels wrote the first draft, which Marx totally revised.
•      It was published in 1848 as the Communist...
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