
Páginas: 2 (381 palabras) Publicado: 22 de noviembre de 2012

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary Euthanasia

Is the act or practice of end with the life of a hopelessly

sick individual, in a relatively painless way for reasons ofmercy. Euthanasia have deferent’s types, those are:

Voluntary Euthanasia, this refers to the action taken by

the doctor and the patient were both agree with a

informed consent, to end withthe patient life. The other

is Involuntary Euthanasia this one refers to a third party

taking a patients life. This one is use in animals with

different name its called by veterinarian “Putto sleep

injection . I am in favor of Voluntary Euthanasia because

the will and decision of the ill person should be respected.

First of all , Euthanasia reduces unnecessary medicalCosts. People do not have to waste money in hospitals

Trying to get the doctor give them hopes were when there

Is no hope. Medicines are getting more expensive everyday .

These medicinesmay ease the pain a little but the pain will

Still come back. Medical treatments as chemotherapy

And others cause the person a lot of suffering, such as ,

Bones pain, severe gout, and otherwhich cause them a lot

Of pain .

Second , euthanasia will end the suffering of the ill

Person and their relatives’. For example, if a person is sick

with a terminal Disease , and withhave a lot of pain, the

doctor came and Tell them that they ca not do anymore

for them. They tell The patient that he will be soon die , but

it is going to be Slowly and a painful death. Thedoctor said

he will help the Patient speeding the process , when the

patient can’t Tolerate the pain any more. What should the

patient do ? Lie in bed with all the pain that is killing himand

that pain Maybe be as long as 5 or 6 months, or he would

ask the Doctor to speed his death, without suffering? .

In conclusion, the government has no right to deny a

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