
Páginas: 2 (383 palabras) Publicado: 28 de junio de 2010
Directa: Cognitivas

FICHA: 05C: Grammar |
Marco Común de Referencia Europea | Grado de dificultad: | Acento: | Competencia(s): Aplicar, ejemplificar, manipular, resolver. |
A1 | A2 | B1 | B2| C1 | C2 | Básico | Intermedio | Alto | Británico | Americano | Otro:________ | |
Duración de la actividad: 20 minutes. | Duración de la grabación: 3 minutes. | Fecha de registro: |Autor: |
Material didáctico: péncil, paper. | Soporte Técnico: a computer with internet access. |
Objetivo: You will remember and practice the use of the secondconditional. |
Título: That won`t never happen |
Instrucciones: 1. Click the link below to see a short video of “The big bang theory” and then select 5 sentences from the video and explain thesituation as in the example. 2. Answer the questions in order to complete the rules of the use of the second conditional. 3. Click on the links to do some exercises and do more practice of theuse of the second conditional. Activity 1 Example: Leonar says: Well if that was a movie I would go see itExplanation: is almost imposible that the script ofpenny becomes a movie, so it won`t happen. |
Activity 2The second condicional is used for:The second conditional is form: Tip: if you have any problem remembering the use os the second conditional,click the following link: Activity 3 You can check your score in the link above, don`t forget to write it down so I can see how well you did it. |
Respuesta: The links above. | Actividad que antecede: None. |Actividad que precede:None. |
Asesoría: Daniel Martinez Leon. |

Indirecta: Metacognitivas

FICHA: 05M: Grammar. |
Objetivo: Feedback from the activity. |...
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