Josefina ortiz de domingues

Páginas: 6 (1380 palabras) Publicado: 15 de junio de 2010
Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez
(Valladolid, now Morelia, Mexico, 1768 - Mexico City, 1829) patriot and hero of Mexican independence from Mexico, also known by the nickname of the magistrate of Querétaro.
Born into a family of middle-class Spanish, Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez was baptized on September 16, 1768 with the names of Josefa Maria de la Natividad. His father, Juan Jose Ortiz, was captain ofthe regiment killed in action purple and war, when it had few years. After the death of his mother, Maria Manuela Girón, took charge of his education his sister Mary, who applied for membership in the Colegio San Ignacio de Loyola.
Over the years he spent at the school learned to read, write and basic math concepts, in addition to what was considered at the time I had to learn a lady of classthus learned to embroider, sew and cook.

In 1791 she married Miguel Domínguez, which in those years he worked in the secretary of the Royal Treasury and the officialdom of the Viceroyalty of New Spain. Thanks to its good relations with the Viceroy Félix Berenguer de Marquina, Miguel Dominguez, was appointed magistrate of Querétaro in 1802. During these early years of marriage, Josefa in turntook over the housework and the upbringing of two children of her husband, since Michael was a widower when they married. It seems that the couple were happy and over the years who were married had twelve children.
In addition to these domestic chores, Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez was very identified with the problems of the social class of the natives, to which he belonged being of Spanish descent,and that despite the reforms undertaken after the arrival of the Bourbons to Spain (1700), they perpetuated the tradition of Spanish were born in the peninsula, who occupy senior positions in the colonial administration and army, thus relegating to the creoles to secondary positions.
Josefa defended their class interests and also echoed the claims of Mexican Indians, who lived in deplorableconditions. For this reason all his life, tried to recognize the rights of indigenous people and also used his position as wife of the mayor, in carrying out numerous works of charity.
In 1808 came the Napoleonic invasion of Spain, which resulted in the beginning of the War of Independence and the formation of governing boards, in the absence of Ferdinand VII. The news from Spain in 1808 it seemsthat initiated the independence movement in Mexico, since after the first signs of support for the king began to take shape in some minds the idea of completely separated from Spain.
After a failed attempt by the Viceroy to form a governing board made the first independent conspiracies to destroy the established order. Miguel Dominguez, as mayor, he supported the viceroy in his decision to form aboard of government, but it was impossible to bring these plans into practice, he became a supporter of the ideals of independence, it seems that at the request of his wife, who became on a strong contributor to the movement.
Thus, after the first moments of confusion, every time it became clear to many, the need to build in Mexico a state in which democratic values would prevail. This influencedthe marriage Dominguez, who opened his home to a hypothetical literary meetings, but actually held political meetings, following decisions on them would be taken to start the revolutionary movement in the area, named after the conspiracy as Queretaro.
A political meeting at the home of the magistrates, attended by some of the most famous revolutionaries of the first moments of Mexicanindependence, as is the case of masters Arias, Ignacio Aldama and Allende, which seems to have been one of the suitor Josefa daughters.
On September 13, 1810 was reported to the ecclesiastical judge Rafael Gil de Leon, who was preparing a plot in Querétaro to proclaim the independence of Mexico, since they were stockpiling weapons in the homes of supporters of the revolutionary movement. He quickly...
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