
Páginas: 4 (821 palabras) Publicado: 31 de octubre de 2011
Are you willing to sacrifice temporary satisfaction for your biggest dreams?
How many of you….
I can honestly say that this time it was too hard for me to concentrate in this assignment.Last Friday I decided to stay at home and do my homework , I turned on the computer and I started to think about a topic, while I was thinking I turned on the TV to see if I could get some Ideas, butI saw a movie that was about to begin and I watched the whole movie. When the movie finished I sat in front of the computer again to start my homework and I though music would inspire me so I playedmusic, but then I started to download new music .Again I stopped to actually finish my homework but before, I check my email just to make sure there was nothing important there, I read my messagesthen I chat with few friends and watched funny videos with them. After that I logged on facebook with any specific purpose , I noticed that I was tagged in a new photo so I watched the photo , thenthe album and then I started to chat again, Finally I remembered that I had to do my homework . After I had wasted all this time I end up with the idea to talk about a topic related with thisproblem. Today I am going to talk about misuse of pleasure and long term pleasure ., Web 2011 define pleasure as :
1.-State of gratification
2.- A source of delight or joy.
Yoga journal2011 . Article written by Sally Kempton a teacher of meditation defined pleasure as :
1.-The emotional core of our sense of aliveness.
2.-The ability to be fully alive.
Pleasure misuse:Scientific research explain that the pleasures centers are located in the midbrain, the seat of emotion, and there are designs to fire response to stimulate ,that ensure your physical survival. When you dosomething pleasant it trigger the pleasure centers sending chemicals like dopamine and serotonin to the cortical area, where the body recognizes that something you’re doing is good and should be...
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